77 -
Everything posted by Alan56
Yes but we will be needing a new manager. Ince cannot manage himself let alone a load of what will be a load of young impressionable school kids.
Best preserve it. There will not be another!!
Player revolt??? Get real - the average footballer couldn't spell revolt let alone carry it out. First home game this season after not having missed one since 1974. Won't be rushing back unless I can be guaranteed the off field entertainment that we got yesterday. There was sod all on the field was there? Last game was v Charlton at the Valley. An insane song was started at that game by some of the ****s who follow us re Bradley brain dead WP stealing from Skates. Sadly it started again yesterday. This to me is a sign of just how low this club has fallen. Thank god I didn't renew the season tkt.
What's the real reason Why J.Cork didn't resign On Loan
Alan56 replied to Smalls's topic in The Saints
Pollute the discussions of genuine fans!!? Instead of questionning the mentality of some on here, wake up and smell the coffee. This club is a joke, riddled with internal squabbling on and off the field, run by a board with the business acumen of Basil Brush and treating what's left of its once loyal fan base with nothing other than contempt. Why should such views not be reflected on this forum? After all they are clearly in the ascendancy. -
What the hell does it matter what happens at Fratton Pk? They are heading down for sure but I would rather be in their position than ours currently. Adams is clueless, Portaloo is not even that well qualified. The beautiful game is in a parlous state in the South of England me thinks!!
What the hell does it matter what happens at Fratton Pk? They are heading down for sure but I would rather be in their position than ours currently. Adams is clueless, Portaloo is not even that well qualified. The beautiful game is in a parlous state in the South of England me thinks!!
I took my very young lad to the Dell in the early 90's and he loved it. Born in Northampton, the son of a caulk head, he lived for his trips south. He went on to study at S'pton uni, worked for the club in his student days and now........... feels no affiliation to the club anymore, loathes the way these over paid, underskilled players laud it about town and take the **** out of their fan base everytime they go out on to the pitch and takes more of an interest in whether Luton and Bomo, can get out of the predicament that they are in. I bet he is not alone!!!
I took my very young lad to the Dell in the early 90's and he loved it. Born in Northampton, the son of a caulk head, he lived for his trips south. He went on to study at S'pton uni, worked for the club in his student days and now........... feels no affiliation to the club anymore, loathes the way these over paid, underskilled players laud it about town and take the **** out of their fan base everytime they go out on to the pitch and takes more of an interest in whether Luton and Bomo, can get out of the predicament that they are in. I bet he is not alone!!!
Portaloo please just flush off back to the flat boring land from whence you came. Leave this once proud club alone to die with at least some dignity. You appear clueless and are rapidly looking like you will inherit the crown of being the worst Saints' manager, currently held by dear old spearmint "Wrigley." To think I nearly renewed my two season tkts this season. What a lucky escape.
Portaloo please just flush off back to the flat boring land from whence you came. Leave this once proud club alone to die with at least some dignity. You appear clueless and are rapidly looking like you will inherit the crown of being the worst Saints' manager, currently held by dear old spearmint "Wrigley." To think I nearly renewed my two season tkts this season. What a lucky escape.
I really do not give a stuff whether I am regarded as plastic. Sadly trips to Southampton FC last year were pretty awful and I took the decision that a 300 mile return trip to S'pton each game was just no longer enjoyable and did not renew this year. Will I return? On route to the I of W maybe but just don't feel like I belong at SMS now and much of the comment on this site rather confirms that view.
We had 27k for most of the matches in the first years at St Mary's. Therefore if you are correct, why then are we now in the mess we are in? Answer **** poor management throughout SFC. You like so many on here have an overly simplstic view of the root cause of what is about to destroy the club. I used to go - 40 plus years. Couldn't give a stuff about what they charge to enteR St Mary's. If I wanted to go I would. To be frank I no longer care. As for the idea of watching Man U. I have been offered 3 tickets already. Don't want to know.
Not quite sure what I have to apologise for. Read what was actually said. Note though, no apology called for from the trash that sings it is ok to thieve from Skates. A nauseating chant that rained down at the valley last month. The club that I loved to support is, it would seem, rotten to the core. Thousands of us will be a long time returning I fear.
I am intrigued. Some of our idiotic fans can chant about Bradley thieving from Skates cos that doesn't matter (Charlton away) but when a fan has a pop at a prissy footballer wearing gloves that is all wrong!!Wright Phillips is scum and deserves constant reminding of what some right minded people think of his antics last year.
Bloody little Englander!! Vive la continente!!Sod the pound!!
Tosh!! It is no badge of honour, just the reactions/views of sensible people who no longer feel the need to be ripped of by RL et al and now seek their pleasure elsewhere. Many thousands of us cannnot all be wrong and after Sats comedy of errors, a few hundred more will have come to the same conclusion.
My things must be bad if at long last the majority of this forum now realise just what a mess things are in at SMS. All that crap spouted about play offs!! Fancy criticising those of us who said we would be very lucky to keep out of the bottom three!! We are being run by the bank, and we all know just how well they have been doing of late. Portaloo seems to have absolutely no idea about picking a team to survive in this league, let alone progress,within it (other than down). Crowds are well down and after yesterday will fall lower. No doubt I will read on the website from the likes of Surman how they must all pull together. Weezel words my man!! The display against Coventry a few weeks back was perhaps some of the worst defending I have ever witnessed. The team then have the best part of 2 weeks to work on defending a set piece working on honing skills and generally geeing team spirit up. WHAT THE HELL HAVE THEY BEEN DOING!? Bet those night clubs could tell us a few stories Saints' you are an utter embarrasment at the moment and having watched you home and away for over 40 years until this season, I for one am glad that I did not renew my ST, that I no longer face that crap drive of over a 300 miles round trip to see you laugh in my face following yet another abject performance. My son went this w/e (fortunately for him got in for nowt on a disillusioned mates tkt) and phoned me after 30 mins to say he was off along with several others. Southampton FC may well be in the pooper financially but there are millions of other clubs, traders and individuals in that position too. Some retain an element of business acumen though. Southampton FC seem to think that charging the earth for crap is the way fwd. Well the good folk of Southampton and its environs seem to think differently Rupert. Still you know bets don't you!!
Well I've taken a look and after 40+ years AND A 350 MILE ROUND TRIP for every home game and said thanks a bunch I 've had enough!! Southampton FC is not enjoyable anymore.It is overpriced, underskilled and by many on here, amazingly still overhyped!!
To be decent players you do need a footballing brain and some nouse. McG frankly just looks thick. Not his fault but his whole demeanour is one of appearing lazy and totally disinterested.
What continues to worry me is the complete lack of any nouse in defending just about anything that is sent into the 18 yard area. As for the young lad Lloyd James, just what the hell was he on? Never in position, completely skinned and totally bereft of any idea as to how to play, let alone defend. Portaloo must be able to see this. The lads confidence will be shot to pieces if he is left in again to suffer as he did. Sorry a complete shambles yesterday and the signs are worrying. Still must be positive. At least I haven't splashed out any cash in advance this season and Milton Keynes and Northampton are not bad places to visit next year.
No direct train at all. Take the Stansted express direct from the airport to Liverpool St in East London, cross London via the central line to Bank and then the Waterloo and City line to Waterloo. Fast trains to Southampton every 30 mins 05 and 35 I think past each hour. The only direct train across London is the Thameslink First Capital Connect service linking Luton Apt and Gatwick, on the Bedford to Brighton trains.
Pretty true reflection on the game though. We were kept in it by KD first half!!
Yes my first away game this season and second game in total. A good result no doubt. Performance very average. Donny despite being woeful could have had 3 in the first half when KD was really excellent. Having been to every game home and away, nigh on for the last 40 years, til the start of this season and the retention of the thieving duo, will I return?? NO!!! Could even borrow my bros season tkt as he has only been once so far and felt the atmosphere, play and the Dutch buffoons tactics weird. No, a 350 mile round trip to SMS is frankly no longer worth doing as quite frankly it is just not enjoyable. Sadly for SFC many others feel the same. Crowds that would only just fill the Dell say it all. To the happy clapping, ever optimistic who frequent this forum, I and about 8-9 thousand customers have deserted SMS this season on a regular basis and have seen, read and heard little or nothing that make us want to return. Hurl your abuse in response. It wont however get the missing patronage back through the turnstiles. Until and unless SFC is prepared to offer a pkge that is realistically priced and reflects the product on offer then it will remain on course for administration. Crowds like those of late cannot possibly sustain the club. Re-visited the IW this week having been born and bred there. Sadly my family and friends there say the youngsters locally all look to follow the other local team now. A whole generation of fans will be lost in places like the IW, Fareham etc if the club is not careful. What if anything is the club doing to retain any sort of link with these areas where there is perhaps the lure of a currently more successful club to go to? With a half empty ground to fill at SMS they have a few options open to them I guess!! This once proud club will I am sure come good again-when, who knows??
People earn respect they do not command it!! I went today and saw a team bereft of skill, guile, leadership and fitness. We got what we deserved!!
What he says is true. This club, let alone team, is a bloody joke and rotten to the core. Until that stark fact is accepted then nothing will change. Keep deluding yourselves if you wish but don't expect everyone to accept it. No one likes it but you cannot change the reality of the situation. The reason the posts are negative are because the club is in free fall- fact!!