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Alan56's Achievements
Driving via Calais. Bremen tonight!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Improve the accoustics so we can actually hear what is being said, Have a full reading of all the half time and full time scores not just the league we are in, the prem, Pimpey and Bomo and finally get rid of the absolute prat that supposedly acts as a chear leader prior to ko and at half time. What a complete knob head!!
Great shame that he (and others before him) don't know how to defend set pieces!!
Fortunately I only had to get back to Bedford last night but what an awful performance we who went witnessed. Can't get over how **** poor Guly is now that he has his contract. At one point in the second half he was gifted the ball by the Pools keeper and only needed to lob into an empty net. What does he do? Pass to a lazy totally switched off Lambert who was miles off side. Crass and symptomatic of all that we were last night. Davis too still inspires no confidence coming for balls and failing to get them. We really must get a grip and Adkins needs to kick a few arses in that changing room.
Well third visit and three defeats at Prenton Park Kelvin what f'ing planet you were on all day? I know not. A season too far and Bialkowski must now be given a chance. A good performance on Sat and he'll surely be in. Davis just boots the ball up field, rearly bowls it out yet B v Blackpool always looked to play it to feet. However the most awful part of the day for me was standing in front of a foul mouthed **** just about old enough to be sprouting his first whiskers who had just realised that female reproductive organs had a naughty word to describe them beginning with a C.Oddly enough stood with what I guess was his girlfriend too. All the time hurling abuse at anyone, including a few Saints' fans for vocalising disapproval of calamity Kelvin. Then the non awarded penalty. Cue the opportunity for this arsehole to smash up two plastic seats and proceed to kick them about. Hopefully photo evidence available and justice will be done.
I was only saying today what on earth is wrong with blokes these days. Then I come on here and people are talking about dressing up!! Bad enough at Test matches with blokes dressed as women. What the hell is wrong with you???
Has he not just released his autobiography just in time for Christmas? It's called " One season too many" and is available in a joke shop near you now!!
Forgive my ignorance
Sorry sent too soon. It is a great shame that we have been deprived of staging an event which undoubtedly would have been done well. However we have to start looking at ourselves rather than constantly blame others for another abstract failure.
Well what a shock England loses another bid where it had to rely on the votes and support of countries around the world. We got two votes!! Once again the nation loses out because to be blunt we are not very well liked. We forever want to trade with Europe but not join the club, we still insist on checking
Well said and believe me you are not alone in your line of thinking!! You are quite entitled to say your experience of supporting the Saints has been soured. Sadly on here many seem to think otherwise.
The only person who excites me on the pitch at the moment is that **** with the red microphone who tries to excite the crowd pre ko. God what does he think he is? Would hate to have to have his CV!! Seriously Lallana. Davis just clear out and let your Polish understudy in. A season too far!!
Pity he is not concentrating on his game. One season too far in my view!!
Takes me two and a bit hrs from Nth Beds but always go up to Northampton and down A43/34. Kelvin?? Passed his best before?? Poor distribution. Too keen to hoof the ball over everyone and frankly, in a game when he was really only called on twice, failed miserably.
Was with Thripp 87 when he did indeed speak to the officer concerned after the game. He is almost certainly employed by Hants police as he very proudly stated that he goes to Poopy games and never gets the reaction there that he got on Sat at SMS. Can't see the MET covering all Hants games in all honesty. Point of law. I remain interested to know whether any evidence the police obtain in the way that they did on Sat is actually admissable in Court. Good defence lawyers could drive a coach and horses through any evidence obtained in the way this would have been. The guy made it very very clear he would be back at SMS and to be honest I think he seemed quite surprised at the hostile reception he got. Personnally I thought it an appalling bit of policing that actually ran the risk of inciting trouble. The ground has surveillance cameras all around it as do all the approach roads so it really was unnecessary. Tory cuts will not alter this approach. No, law enforcement will increasingly be done in this way with desk bound civilians mulling over film looking for villains. Take a look at road policing ....never see them actually challenge you in person anymore, just vans illegally parked on the side of roads (A43 just outside Northampton on Sat on rte to the game.) It will all get worse but then as can be seen on here, the naiive amongst us will just bury their heads in the sand and think that our boys in blue are still like Dixon of Dock Green.