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Junction 9

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Everything posted by Junction 9

  1. Not too bad, ranged from £30 to £60. I went for £40, can only get a max of 5 though which is a bit of pain as we are all split up.
  2. Good for Bullard, plays with passion. I got tickets for the Khazak game today, my first trip to the new Wembley.
  3. I shan't bother PMing you then. It's time for the Pontster to step up.
  4. Can this be the first thread to be put into Golden posts section? Do I have to PM a mod or something? I never want to forget it.
  5. This is a Kip classic thread, it's been a long time, too long. I'll have a Kronee.
  6. You can get a decent Chinese meal with £19.
  7. I shall muddle through somehow.
  8. Oh I see, it makes sense now.
  9. I'll see you in there.
  10. I doubt I'd be hungry.
  11. Can you elaborate? I'm interested now.
  12. Are these threads going to be happening every week?
  13. Also, do we really need to be chanting "W*nker" to an injured ex-player of ours as he leaves the pitch? Pathetic.
  14. It depends if you are using cable or flex. Red and black are still used in twin and earth cable, brown/blue in 3 core flex.
  15. No reasons reqd IMO.
  16. Didn't Stu recently say he enjoyed a trip to P*mpey for the first time the other day? Hmmmmm
  17. I have all of these things. Am I to wear them all at once?
  18. Oh ok, as long as I'm learning.
  19. devo'd?
  20. He was probably there purely for entertainment, just like the rest of us.
  21. It maybe in the encore. If you could listen out for it.
  22. Have they played "Finest worksong" yet?
  23. Classic stuff.
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