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Everything posted by HurleyBurley

  1. thank you for putting it this level of effort, I think we can all sleep soundly at night to night safe in the knowledge that, although we don't have 100% cast iron proof that it hit the bar, we do know that this is the geekiest place on the interweb if not the world!
  2. Some people do take this site very seriously don't they... Can't believe the aggressively argued cases put for both sides of this non-argument! I picture you all a bit like Ipswichcrazy
  3. Best thing I've EVER seen on this site, brilliant... I wondered what had happened to StuRomseySaint, when did he move to Ipswich?
  4. Do we use the general for medicals?
  5. Oooo ooooo oooo, can we have a song for Connelly thread?
  6. Total knobber
  7. Sometimes I wonder if the people on here have ever seen Saints play!
  8. Reckon the whole reason we're asking for straight cash rather than cash + player is we believe if he's not good enough for QPR he's not good enough for us
  9. Wonder if The9 read this http://itsbeautifuloutside.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=1462 and thought, yeah I could start something here
  10. And nor are we! We are going to be a Championship team next year though and he's easily good enough for that league as he's shown playing for Millwall and at a higher level for Blackpool
  11. The fans that slag off Puncheon are generally idiots and cannot spot a decent footballer when one is put in front of them. Put it this way I'd far rather he wasn't running AT Harding/Dickson next season because I'm pretty confident who'd come out on top of that battle - He's a quality player
  12. What are you lot going to do after Wednesday?
  13. What a waste of time - Do you lot think we'll sell out of ST's? Wait, you can't use it until August anyway!
  14. Sorry to butt into your conversation, I don't post here often so feel free to ignore me - But I think what you guys are doing with this flag is a great thing. Personally this is my favourite, but I reckon it would be better portrait so that you can maximise the size of the image of Marcus, with 'Forever' at the top and 'A Saint' below the image. In the current layout there's too much unused space. Well done to all that are involved
  15. I'm a Saints fan, The New Saints (aka Total Network Solutions FC)
  16. Why don't some of you put yourselves forward to talk about Saints instead of mouthing off about him on here all the time (he doesn't read this site by the way so your comments are even more empty than usual). Nick's a good guy who loves his football club, I don't always agree with him but he certainly doesn't deserve the abuse a lot of people on this thread have given.
  17. You lot are going to be a nightmare to anyone you come into contact with until tomorrow aren't you
  18. It's not about changing minds it's about showing you're not happy with the decision
  19. Yeah you're right, let's not stand up for anything let's just moan about stuff on here. That said it seems most of the people on here don't go to games anyway
  20. Joke decision Boycott the JPT tomorrow
  21. I'm sure that will be a relief to AP and NC. NC 'OK Pards, the move for Boyd has been ratified by fingers so get ready for one more at training tomorrow.'
  22. If there's less than 45,000 there today, sitting on the pitch, sneaking on the roof ETC.... I'll be completely gutted, I don't care if we win 8-0, how are we going to get promoted with crowds less than 40,000
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