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Everything posted by HurleyBurley

  1. I think at the moment I'd be happier with Chester than Van Dijk, but if we're really going to get two like Koeman says maybe both would do. I see a lot of fans moaning about the Chester link whilst praying we get Van Dijk but I'm really not sure what they're basing that on other than a fancier name. Chester is a Wales international, that's quite a big deal these days, has premier league experience and is rated highly by his clubs fans. Van Dijk plays for the best team in his league and is probably rarely tested and he's not a full international, in fact, another player that saints fans didn't want, Vlaar, has been one of the players standing in his way. There's no denying van Dijk makes a good highlights reel and looks a good player but Chester is a known premier league quantity
  2. Is this press conference available to listen to at 2pm?
  3. 'and should be part of their defensive problems' Let's hope not!!
  4. Same here Damn! 'Oh that's why you send so much time reading that site!'
  5. Finally, something for people to get behind!
  6. This forum is moderate enough, I'd like to apply to be the forum extremist
  7. Guly did his best work up front? Do you attend the matches or just watch the results come in? Guly is one of this clubs best passers and is very comfortable on the football... He's a midfielder who we had to deploy up front last season because we had no option. He's a far better player in midfield than up front
  8. Butterfield must be sick of the sight of Clyne!
  9. Can't see J-Rod not starting personally also think it will be more 4-3-3 /4-5-1 --------------Davis Clyne - Fonte - Hoovield - Fox ----Davis Morgan Lallana Puncheon/Guly ----- J Rodriguez ----------Lambert
  10. Another condesending by someone trying to prove they're big and clever on an internet forum... Let's be honest 95% of the stuff posted on these forums is speculation that never comes to anything... One wonders why some of you bother with a forum if you're only going to try to belittle every comment. I guess it's because there's little else for you to do? For the record the number of posts comment in the thread starter was tongue in cheek, I know Del Bianco is Turkish... I've been reading the Ugly for years
  11. Why do some on here have such an aggressive and condesending way of posting? Is it because in real life no one listens to you? I'm just sharing some news I read about saints, I thought it would be of interest, no? surely it's more interesting than a thread about what to chant for a new player or whether a kit is ok or not
  12. It's from a guy with a lot of posts (del bianco) so it's probably credible, right?... He reckons it's been accepted too. Good news
  13. I can't wait to see the new kit, I really really can't... I can't wait to see all the silly fat men wearing them it's going to be ace!
  14. But I'm so excited about a football kit, I can't help it. This is the biggest thing to happen this year, nearly
  15. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Red sleeves!!!! Woohah!!!! C'mon people red sleeves... This is the most exciting day since i saw superman returns at the cinema and he wore red pants!
  16. Whoohah! Red Sleeves, I'm excited, who's excited? This is massive Whooohahhh, YES COM'ON... Phew and calm But Whoohah RED SLEEVES!!
  17. Ahh ok... Bit of a pain that then... Must say you're very lucky as a student to be able to attend games, when I was a student I 1. couldn't afford it and 2. had a job on saturday's and in the evenings. Hope it all works out for you young man
  18. So they've taken payment and you have a ticket and then after that they've sent an email saying they can't take your tutors ok that you're a student? But you have a ticket and have paid, right? What's the problem then?
  19. What I'm saying is that's one alternative use for the flag - The club should be asked 'If we can't do as we planned with our joint £6K investment, what alternatives are there? Here are some suggestions etc...'
  20. I didn't contribute to this flag, but if the safety concerns are a problem fair do's. That said I don't believe it should not be seen again, £4K from fans is a lot of money. Do we still do All Saints Day, when those that have passed away are remembered each year? If so perhaps the flag could be laid on the pitch pre-match on occasions such as this? That's the sort of thing the organiser of this flag should be looking into - If there's a problem, what are the alternatives
  21. Arsenal haven't got a goal yet in the league and he can't even get a start. If he's not good enough for Arsenal he's not good enough for Saints
  22. HurleyBurley


    Dear Soccerettes Dad I would smash her backdoors in
  23. He wouldn't be the best striker on a tyro league pitch feckin usless
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