Sorry to disappoint lads, I am not Tommy. I joined the forum in 2007 before he signed for saints.. Hardly ever post on here, but check the Forecast stuff as had a few dealings with the guy during his time at Saints.
I bought mine 3 weeks ago from John Lewis, not a lot of difference in price, the guy said Apple don't negotiate on prices. I think you can only get the refurbs from Apple
I appreciate those points and my criticism is not so much of the fans choice to make donations to the club in this time of need. However, i do resent the feeling i have that the club is guilt tripping fans into donations almost as its our fault that the club has ended up this way
You're missing the point, the issue is not with the attendance of matches, its with being asked to invest extra money into the club, to help rectify the boards finacial short comings
It wouldnt raise enough cash imo, maybe enough to just about cover the police fees for the game, the term "a drop in a bucket springs to mind" as sad as that is to say
Sheer delusion on behalf of the board i should imagine, although i dont think selling those players would have generated enough income it would have at least bought some time