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About TVR_Fan

  • Birthday 08/10/1986

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  1. If anymore begin available can you add me please, since I have only been to five home games this season seeing how I work Saturday's. And well if I got a ticket it would mean the world to me. But while I could of gone to more Sunday games when we were in the Europa League & just after. There has been times where money got a bit tight around Christmas time or just after. Yet now money is less tight it looks like I will miss the chance to go to my first cup final, because I have a feeling the tickets will be sold out by Wednesday or Thursday. Email: jamiewynder@hotmail.co.uk
  2. Ticket Question: Is it possible to buy a Saints Bar - Europa League bundle from the ticket office. Or can it only be done online or by telephone.
  3. Talk about a game.
  4. I think Nigel Adkins did it on purpose to keep are two goal scorers on the bench, until the time was right.
  5. Another great season, which also saw Portsmouth relegated. And to top it off, we are back to where we belong.
  6. It is time for everyone to order their party food, because Coventry are now buried in this game. But I still wish, I was able to attend the game....curse you brother the Tottenham fan.
  7. I am still looking for one home end ticket, seeing how I have been trying since Tuesday. ---- Email: jamiewynder@hotmail.com
  8. If we want to expand before the Rugby world cup, then we should look towards starting work next year by laying ground work in my view. But if we wanted to do it later, then it may cost more to get the same results.
  9. 2005 brings back memories for the bad times, and one of those periods in life that I thought I had a chance to make it as a goal keeper in the lower leagues as a starting point in a future career. But at least we can now look towards a good future, while seeing the club back where it belongs.
  10. Before she got married she was a Southampton fan, and then after we went down to League 1 she started to care less about Southampton more. While caring more about Tottenham, but now we are close to the Premiership she cares about Southampton again. Also my brother only supported Tottenham because my grandad got him into them. But if they went down a few divisions then it would be interesting to see if he would still support them. Even if he has only been to one Tottenham game, due to the train costs and tickets putting him off. Other then that, my brothers wife didn't challenge my brother into letting their son to decide who he would support between Southampton and Tottenham. Because from what I remember seeing, she just let my brother just buy him a mini Tottenham kit. And she just gave in, and didn't care that her son wouldn't be given a chance to decide. ---- My final thoughts: I think there is something in my families DNA, that affects are families will power for certain things. Take my sister, she first supported Blackburn, when they did well and then a few years later she started to support Liverpool but only because of Michael Owen and Robbie Fowler. And yet she still supports them. But if you compare them to me, then I have been to more games for my supported team compared to the amount they have been to for the teams they support. As well as that I have stayed with the Saints through thick and thin. Because if we went out of exsist, which didn't happen luckily then I wouldn't support any other club team.
  11. Now he has brought my father up and his broken hip that is now healed in are little email debate, as a way to show he earned it. However if he was a true loyal fan to the team, which he is meant to support then he would even give up a ticket to someone else at work who is a Southampton fan. Other then that, I hope we beat Tottenham next season at home by three or more goals. But only if we go up, plus it would be even sweeter if he was in the away end.
  12. So who is watching this game at a pub.
  13. My brother says, he can't sell me his ticket because he get sacked at work.
  14. I think watching it at a pub is the next thing to do, if you can't get a ticket. Even if you don't drink alcohol.
  15. What pubs will anyone be using to watch the game.
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