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Everything posted by rpb

  1. Evans made a massive difference when he came but the following season he seemed to believe all the hype, tried to play like a cultured footballer and had little impact. I would agree with Wilf that Ron Davies for £55 000 was the most inspired transfer but Cliff Huxford and George O'Brien were pretty good bits of business too.
  2. Haven't seen him play so don't know for sure.
  3. People stopped supporting Aldershot, Bradford PA and Accrington Stanley - is that the history we are doomed to repeat?
  4. And don't talk to me about Julius Caesar! I won't even go to Rome on Google Earth...
  5. I really don't see the connection - ah well, if it makes them feel better...
  6. rpb


    Indeed, Lowe may be a posh, arrogant git but he is OUR posh, arrogant git!
  7. I would agree with everything that you have written except that - I have been pleasantly surprised by some of his deft touches.
  8. Same as against Derby please, though I would be very tempted to find a place for Cork.
  9. First half he defended well but when he went forward he seemed to be playing for himself instead of the team - ignoring Holmes and running into blind alleys in an effort to show what he could do; when he moved into centre midfield he was much more effective.
  10. If it's a draw tonight, isn't there extra time and then penalties?
  11. rpb

    Hats off to Lowe

    Actually AS, after what we have had to put up with, I think we deserve a bit of 'getting carried away' - let's be optimistic for a change.
  12. Indeed it was - they then used to call on every door in Shirley for the following week.
  13. He obviously hasn't. They are unlike anything I have seen in red and white stripes before - it is possible that they will just flatter to deceive but the potential is there for a great season.
  14. Lets at least lose a game before becoming miserable...
  15. Reynolds v Chelsea Hollowbread v Portsmouth Sydenham v Pertsmouth Bates v leeds Paine v Ipswich
  16. From what I have seen so far, he has created the most exciting Saints side for many years!
  17. rpb

    Asturius Sports

    Tempted to join you in a suicide pact!
  18. I've paid £5 and can't think of anything to say!
  19. I think you are right ponto - anything could happen; we do have the potential to race away with the league but a few set backs/bad breaks could see us fighting relegation. At least we do have a few 'ugly' players to call on if needed...
  20. Well said Derry!
  21. I don't want a take over anymore! I want to see this team get even better.
  22. Very exciting times ahead - reminded me of watching Arsenal play (but, if anything, a bit faster)!
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