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Everything posted by rpb

  1. Well, you obviously do!
  2. Looking at other cultures is a good way of learning and improving, Saint George. Currently our children are not performing as well in Maths as those in South Asia - isn't it sensible to look at what they are doing and see if we can adopt any of their methods? Sorry if that sounds like poking your nose in. From looking at the gun situation in the USA we have learnt quite a lot as well... Perhaps if the USA were more liberal (it means free - not a bad thing to be) and less inward looking then it would study countries like Australia and see how they attained zero mass shootings in the past 20 years. sadly the truth is that you like guns and nothing else really matters.
  3. Thanks - I now know, I think. Basically a person killed another person and that is obviously wrong but to assume from other similar events that there was a racial element in the murder was also wrong. I'll refrain from such assumptions in the future (I might still think them though).
  4. My response or the response of the officer? If the former, please explain why as I don't want to keep making that mistake... I am 68 and obviously get confused by such things.
  5. I haven't been following this thread, has this one been mentioned? http://metro.co.uk/2015/08/01/southampton-plot-to-hijack-liverpools-transfer-move-for-barcelona-winger-adama-traore-5322108/
  6. I would have been interested but if the driver had been white then I seriously doubt that he would have been shot.
  7. They didn't even make the top 10! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/11770309/The-10-worst-run-football-clubs.html?frame=3391144
  8. That's a pleasant surprise! You do realise that the chap who was killed was black, had committed a traffic offence and was probably walking away from the officer, don't you? It all resembles a familiar scenario - actually very similar to the ones that you have been defending...
  9. I appreciate that there is no good reason to anticipate a sensible response from Sarnia but ... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11771985/Cincinnati-campus-police-officer-charged-with-murder-of-black-man.html
  10. David in Sweden - really good stuff! You forgot Dave Watson though...
  11. Emu's contributions have indeed been thoughtful and illuminating. Did you look at the John Oliver 'investigations', Sarnia? They are obviously 'staged' but do raise some relevant points -
  12. Have a look at John Oliver's take on it - he addresses both of your questions (genuine answer) There are three parts...
  13. Australia seems to have accomplished this quite effectively.
  14. Oh dear - things are getting better though, the policeman didn't shoot her! http://bennorton.com/dashcam-video-of-violent-arrest-of-sandra-bland-was-edited/
  15. Have I missed something?
  16. I didn't hate cops and North America but your answers are beginning to make me have second thoughts.
  17. When you click on their picture, it gives an account of the shooting. Some of those people were very unlucky to be living in the USA (e.g. Autumn Steele Jan 6th)!
  18. There's a very similar 'debate' in the comments section of this article - http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/jun/20/charleston-south-carolina-shooting-gun-control-reform-myths Elton at least makes a few attempts at explaining why gun control is unnecessary but it all ends up with a comparison with bus plunge deaths in India as a justification!
  19. Didn't Rodney gain a League Winners Medal at Leeds?
  20. The move didn't do much for Charlie's career though, he seemed to disappear without trace at Chelsea.
  21. Nurse! He's out of bed again!!
  22. According to a friend who is a reporter for the Echo (not football), we have not received any offers for Morgan. Chelsea are not interested whilst Man U and Arsenal have other targets at the moment. He has been wrong about Saints before though (or did Sven become our Manager at one stage?).
  23. Well, since you asked so nicely - http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/4-Shot-at-Waldorf-Astoria-Hotel-NYPD-307274991.html
  24. A hotel in Antigua told him that he would be 'asked to leave' if he didn't stop being rude to the staff.
  25. vipboxtv.co
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