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Everything posted by rpb

  1. No, it was for putting a full stop at the end of a sentence.
  2. You may well be right but it also worth considering that some of the stuff that I had to study for 'A' Level Physics (1965) can now be found on GCSE papers.
  3. 'O' levels, I am afraid - I was pretty much the same and scraped 3 'A' Levels (all with grade E)... You are right, education is much better nowadays - I cringed reading nickh's comments about mental arithmetic, if he could see how primary children are encouraged to use a variety of methods in numeracy to compute in their heads nowadays he would be amazed! Back in our day, we were taught 'this is how to do it' and were expected to apply it.
  4. Well done, you! I only got six - that was in 1963, though (they were really hard back then and I was distracted by Saints' cup run).
  5. Could you stick to correcting grammar, please?
  6. We're both right! His biography - "Tommy Cooper - Always Leave Them Laughing", page 41 It says that they moved into a shop 124 Shirley Road in 1948 ... currently 'Johnny's Fish and Chips'. They started selling fish but that business failed and his mother converted the shop into a haberdashery...
  7. True but in 1933 the family moved to Langley (seven miles from Southampton). Later his mum owned the fish and chip shop near Foys Corner, Shirley - less than a mile from Benny Hill's house...
  8. pfc123 - you do realise that Tommy Cooper is a Southampton lad, don't you?
  9. Their take over is quite surreal! I am feeling rather jealous...
  10. If Pompey have resorted to paying people £5 to watch them then I'm not surprised that they are in financial difficulties.
  11. I thought that too.
  12. It seems that the right wing in the US equates the NHS with communism, do they feel the same way about their police, fire service or schools? I presume that they are all paid for out of taxes...
  13. Maybe the Dr is still interested... http://www.business24-7.ae/Articles/2009/8/Pages/14082009/08152009_fe4f2c78a8d348378a8f3c1b5c78d339.aspx
  14. According to a Sunday Mirror journalist on Solent, the take over is on the brink of collapse.
  15. Haven't seen it on TV - my daughter works in Abu Dhabi. She is currently involved in the 'new' Abu Dhabi on the mainland - is that connected to Hydra? PS I don't go to Primark for the very reason that you quoted.
  16. On a more serious note, much of the building work in the Emirates is undertaken by Indian immigrant labourers who are little better than slaves - if their new owner has become rich through slave labour, I wouldn't really want to be associated with that...
  17. I realised that as soon as I had posted it! Sorry to let the side down...
  18. We actually found that discussing grammar during a take over was very helpful - it took our minds off of things.
  19. rpb


    You're really enjoying this, MOG. Good, isn't it?
  20. I never thought that I would end up as Badger's straight man!
  21. Would McDougall count as a flower?
  22. To help stop pubs going out of business?
  23. Not feeling very well?
  24. [quote=derry;387968 For thirty years under Ted and Lawrie every Saints side gave it their best shot win, lose, or draw that is what I demand from them from now on. A nice thought but it's simple untrue.
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