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Everything posted by rpb

  1. When we beat Yeovil there were people on here moaning that the goals were not from open play. Perhaps they are now happy that we can score without the help of penalties?
  2. Does he know the off side rule yet?
  3. I'd be happy with that.
  4. They deserve what they are getting.
  5. What have you got against Mike Channon? Not so simple!!!!
  6. Very good! I was at St Mary's Primary in Anns Hill Road - we didn't have specialised drama teachers.
  7. Is that 'ex gay drama teacher' as in used to be gay or is it still gay but used to be your drama teacher? Neither, actually but thanks for asking...
  8. Oy! I taught in the state education system in Skatesville (well, Gosport). I even had a parent complain that he didn't want his child taught by a scummer!
  9. Beautifully summed up! Simple and straight to the crux of the matter.
  10. Still got that somewhere minus Nick Holmes head though...
  11. Well, they certainly sounded racist on the Radio 4 programme last night (File on Four - its on BBCiplayer) or maybe chanting, "Allah, Allah, who the f*** is Allah?" is acceptable behaviour?
  12. Delgado was upset when nobody remembered his birthday - I doubt that Markus would be too concerned.
  13. It's on BBC iplayer - http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00mr4w5/File_on_4_22_09_2009/ Who would want to be associated with these people?
  14. rpb


    For verification, see reply number 34.
  15. What time was the first throw in?
  16. Holt & Haskell in Shirley has survived - it seems to specialise in cricket gear though.
  17. Very true - if you enjoyed skillful football it must have been terrible to watch every week, though.
  18. I loved the 'unstopable' shot! I know that they had big toe caps back then ( I remember playing in them!) but did centre forwards really toe punt the ball when shooting?
  19. Pompey are on there too ... http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=28218 Why do players back then look so old for their age?
  20. No, Torino is definitely an Italian club. What was the principle that he resigned on? That's the bit I don't understand...
  21. What actually happened to make McMenemy leave after Souness went to Italy? I never did understand that...
  22. It's just as well that you explained which manager you're talking about.
  23. I once won a proper (at Southampton Chess Club) game of chess when my opponent fell asleep - he failed to make 36 moves in an hour and a quarter. I was tempted to do the decent thing and wake him but resisted...
  24. The number of players slagged off on here by self-appointed 'experts' is quite remarkable - how many of them are now playing at a level higher than Saints though? Stoke are doing quite well out of our 'rejects'.
  25. Not exactly shocking but when I retired from teaching in Gosport, one child gave me a Saints mug as a leaving present. His dad was a die hard Pompey follower and had to go to the Megastore to buy it. Working there was a bit like missionary work.
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