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Everything posted by rpb

  1. Nobody has mentioned Third Division football...
  2. Was that him? Everything suddenly makes sense.
  3. That's not right - they have us down as only winning three of our last six instead of four. I prefer the other league where we are second!
  4. I saw them there too! The Kasbah had a video juke box - I can only remember seeing a Francoise Hardy video on it, though.
  5. Lots of old music venues here... http://www.davidstjohn.co.uk/venues.html
  6. I was going to write something similar about Tony Benson and the Skylanes (later to be the MeddyEvils). http://www.davidstjohn.co.uk/skylanes.html
  7. I finally get the grammar right and then you pull me up on my spelling!
  8. Once you've played at the Veracity, you realise that you will never play at Wembley.
  9. That reminded me of the busker who was always outside Tyrrells - Southampton's version of Bob Dylon.
  10. Some thug beat me up there in 1958 - wasn't you was it?
  11. There was but that was back in the 1800s - there is still a section of the course remaining the other side of the main path near the Boating Lake.
  12. Shirley had three cinemas - Atherley, Rialto and The Regent (in that block where the Fair Trade shop is now situated).
  13. Afraid so - apparently the Woolston Cinema is 'awaiting redevelopment'.
  14. The Woolston Cinema - it had double seats in the back two rows! I enquired about buying it earlier this year (not for me - a performing group) - they wanted £300K for it.
  15. Sorry Marsdinho, I missed that. Mind you, if he was born four years after Jesus' reputed death he's pretty close to being an eye witness as plenty of people around at the time would have seen him. I was born soon after Hitler died but i don't doubt his existence...
  16. QI claimed that the earth had more than one moon (Cruithne + several others) but it would seem that this was false ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3753_Cruithne (OK - I know that wikipedia isn't the most trustworthy of sources)
  17. Good points but if there is mention of Jesus by a genuine non-Christian historian of the time... How about the evidence of the Roman historian Josephus? Antiquities 20:9.1 ... "Festus was now dead, and Albinus was but upon the road; so he assembled the Sanhedrin of judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, the so-called Christ, whose name was James, and some others; and when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned." Josephus was born around 30 AD so not far removed from the events.
  18. If it hadn't been for that last minute goal from Bristol Rovers, we would have been top!
  19. Mellis is away with England U 20s
  20. Try Oasis Academy in Lordshill (used to be Oaklands School) - they often have bands rehearsing there.
  21. Do you think they are going to discover that he lives with his mum? It does all sound very familiar.
  22. Is this Al-Faraj? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Faraj_al-Libbi
  23. In an article at that time Summerbee rated Hollywood as one of the hardest men playing as he was 'totally mad and kept coming back at me when I kicked him'.
  24. On what criteria have you judged the Irish education system as being one of the best in the world? My only experience of teaching children from Ireland (quite a few came over here to avoid being bombed, shot, etc.) was that there was an emphasis on neatness and learning by rote - e.g. they could all multiply, etc. but had little idea of why it produced the correct answer and were completely at sea when they had to apply this skill to solve a problem. I also saw evidence of this in children who had been educated in Australia, Malta and Barbados. You may well be right but i would be interested to know whether your statement is based on factual evidence...
  25. Well written and very true. Even the Pompey fans were upbeat on Saturday despite losing seven in a row!
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