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Everything posted by rpb

  1. I think that there's a cut off date for that to happen - last year we went into administration a week after the date...
  2. Quite accurate too - I think George O'Brien was an oversight, though...
  3. The theme music for 'Journey into Space' used to terrify me. It was on Radio 7 a few months ago and I seem to be over it now...
  4. Sing Something Simple was the worst without a doubt. It used to be on every Sunday evening round about 6pm, that moment when you realised that the weekend was over, homework hadn't been done and there was another week of school looming.
  5. In America I suspect that guns would have been involved. Is that better?
  6. Nothing to do with the thread, Hypo but have you seen this? http://www.nuffieldtheatre.co.uk/events/detail/the_hypochondriac/ Just up your street - or won't you have finished the New York Marathon by then?
  7. I don't go back as far as Charlie Wayman (although my mother knew his wife and I was taken round his house as a baby) but I do go back to Jimmy Shields - not very skillful but he used to chase everything and make things happen. He was sent off for nearly decapitating the Weymouth goalkeeper in a early round cup match at the Dell.
  8. If you have two hours to spare...
  9. Curiouser and curiouser... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/article6889809.ece?
  10. CB Fry also played for Pompey. Apparently he got a bit full of his own importance and eventually would only turn out for cup ties - hence the move down the road.
  11. It's Sydenham but the thought was there... I think you got the main three but George O'Brien made a big contribution to the Div 3 and Div 2 days as well.
  12. I remember being disappointed when this thread was moved to the Lounge as it was a place that I rarely visited. However, as a result I have since discovered that there are often interesting threads to be found in that location, e.g. Southampton Nostalgia.
  13. In Germany we are known as 'Island Monkeys' - I quite like that!
  14. In that bit maybe - I suspect that many Muslims came to the UK to get away from a strict following of Islamic law but also quite a few fled from liberal Islamic states because they were being required to conform.
  15. According to this http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/honourcrimes/crimesofhonour_2.shtml about twelve a year!
  16. is it possible to write anything more meaningless than this?
  17. A brilliant find, MOG! I just checked out Ricky and the Hi-Lites - I briefly used to work with Burnsy Brown at BAT (unloading lorries) and he told me of the time that they supported Gene Vincent at the Guildhall. Apparently Vincent was totally mad and even fired a pistol into the ceiling of the dressing room!
  18. Speculation is good! Go on, we all want to hear. You could change the names to protect the innocent...
  19. rpb

    shop a Saint

    It took me ten minutes to realise what was wrong!
  20. Less than in the Temperance Seven! They are still going, by the way - they played at Beaulieu Abbey last month.
  21. Kam Ling is good for Chinese takeaways (near Foys Corner)
  22. I remember them! I think their full name was The Transatlantic Seven.
  23. Not sure if it was in Debenhams but in the 70's one of those talking trees tried to chat up my wife!
  24. Au contraire - Southampton has produced Charles Dibdin - one of the biggest of them all! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Dibdin
  25. Mills scored at the weekend too.
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