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Everything posted by rpb

  1. I don't think that this will encourage them too much... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/portsmouth/7976302/Portsmouth-concerned-by-21-year-old-students-takeover-bid.html
  2. According to Strachan he got on very well with Lowe.
  3. Just guessing - Real Madrid, Barcelona, Inter Milan...?
  4. It would seem that Redknapp can provide his own abuse...
  5. Nail - head.
  6. Read all about it! http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/Entrepreneur-21-in-talks-to.6489046.jp
  7. Which relegation exactly?
  8. And so it goes on... http://www.people.co.uk/sport/football/sport-confidential/2010/08/22/portsmouth-stars-fight-for-300-000-in-bonuses-102039-22503767/
  9. I was once told by an inspector that the cost of equipping all of our school children with a PC for use in school would be the equivalent of one Hawker Harrier Jump Jet - he wasn't too impressed by Blair's promise of 'Education, Education, Education'.
  10. I have experience of both and would agree with this totally.
  11. Simply not true - there are plenty of duff teachers in private education and also plenty of good ones who could be better if they had greater access to career development. From my limited experience of private schools they are not paid more either (but I don't know about all of the private schools). The parents who can afford to send their children to private schools have usually done well in life due to their intelligence and usually manage to produce intelligent children - perhaps that's why children at private schools tend to do better?
  12. AN ITK person on this Pompey website seems to have an interesting insight... http://boards.footymad.net/forum.php?tno=424&fid=203&sty=2&act=1&mid=2120659476
  13. rpb

    Pipe smoking

    The Dell used to smell of pipe tobacco.
  14. My first derby was 27th August 1960 - the day we overtook them after many years. We won 5 - 1, Huxford, O'Brien (pen), Paine, Mulgrew and Dickinson (o.g.) were the scorers. We had just won Div 3 and they had been relegated from Div 1, back then nobody really thought that we could beat the mighty Pompey!
  15. I just looked at a couple of Pompey sites and there is hardly a mention of today. Strange...
  16. St Lard: Liquidation please.If you lived in Gosport you would probably concur. I worked there for thirteen years - I would concur.
  17. It looks like their first home league game is in some doubt... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/portsmouth/7919582/Portsmouths-opening-home-Championship-fixture-in-doubt.html
  18. Pedg, you are very clever. I didn't have the faintest idea what the original was about.
  19. Sort out the dad who thinks it's his job to shout out orders/tactics to the whole team.
  20. Could it be because we have two universities leading to a shortage of houses to rent?
  21. rpb

    Sutton Utd

    Having just read this thread, I find myself longing for the time when the only pre season game was the First XI versus the Reserves (Stripes vs Whites) a week before the opening fixtures.
  22. I'm with Sid - I am in total admiration of those who seem to understand it all.
  23. There was disappointment when we didn't replace Chivers many years ago but we weren't then aware that we already had a replacement in Channon. Perhaps it's the same scenario with Oxlade-Chamberlain?
  24. rpb

    Thats All Folks

    Perhaps it's time for Oxlade-Chamberlain to come to the fore?
  25. rpb

    Wasps Nests

    I don't know if they still have the same policy but twenty years ago Southampton CC would remove wasp nests for free for students but make a charge for anyone else - when I enquired I was told to hang up and get my daughter to phone.
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