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Everything posted by ianthesaint

  1. get that sorted rees, Im booking my flight this weekk :cool:
  2. Both Follow both everywhere....
  3. Im leaving at 5! If game is ****.....Im going to the bar....
  4. You getting train from central mate? suits us, meet you at central at about 5.45 :cool:
  5. Defo a bump here lads, more than happy as long as you are on the same train back as we will meet you back at euston and then head back to Waterloo get 4 tins for way back :cool: Southampton Central or Parkway Not overally bothered.
  6. I would have loved another away game in Southend, but unforunately on international duty in Ukraine watching, judging by this page, cant say Im overally bothered. Roll on a messy week in Ukraine (H)
  7. 11am if Im up
  8. When is the deadline for a takeover as such?
  9. God can things get much worse?
  10. Not acutally bothered! as I cant go anyway In holland for England game Monday-Thursday so anyone not bothered!
  11. http://www.google.co.uk find all the answers!
  12. Lads i aint got a full account but has anyone got any news at all? Starting to ****ing worry big time no season ticket news no pre season friendlies this is ****ing worry when are we leaving admin anyone know the answers to this great football club :(
  13. I do every home game, Most aways, Also do international games regulary!
  14. Got a qoute, 1800 for my first car
  15. Cant pm you mate but whats your email address mate? what route u doing?
  16. Been following just over a year now, love it to bits, You normally get in a 4,000 allocation 3,000 quality england lads then 1,000 gays... Enjoy it so much, trips to kazaksthan, Ukraine and Holland this year with SA next year times are looking good...
  17. Starting to take the **** a bit, in need of sorting these out asap some of us have other things with football for me its england Kazaksthan, Holland and Ukraine have taken a battering to my account with just enough but waiting around is really annoying..
  18. cant wait for it some great games to look forward to...
  19. when season tickets getting announced?
  20. quality point United have best away fans in the country and are not "hooligans" they are just class fans sing and stand for 90 mins and dont have air horns or **** like that just support there club they love... Shame half the ****ing gay cyber warriors on this forum couldnt follow suit...
  21. No such buses on way back....
  22. I hope that no 1s firt game was CHarlton at home or if it was second to Manchester United if it was hope you die of aids.
  23. I think half the people on here are so clueless its unreal our club is ****e FACT We need to ensure that no one comes to our city and takes the ****, if we allow them to then thats disgusting Our club is so embaressing, shirters and gays galore remember Doncaster at home gays took a hiding the longer they go on saying "yoof" the more they will hate you lads, your all idiots on this forum and so clueless into the real world. Personally believe that people that fight for there city you should be proud of not slating them, Im neither just a normal person wearing normal clothes to a game of 22 men chasing around a bag of air. 50 year old men wearing football shirts is simply gay and immature and need to grow up football shirts are for children. FACT
  24. apparently, during the game there was distrubances, with some serious injuries after some Southampton had it off with Cardiff, apparently one lad was a in a seriously bad way.
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