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Everything posted by ianthesaint

  1. Drop me an email. I maybe able to help to a degree. Iain_07@hotmail.co.uk
  2. Sir Fred, drop me an email Might be able to help you out. Iain_07@hotmail.co.uk
  3. I'll take the junior. Please call / text me on 07788319507. Will pay cash too you at Sunderland, Yeovil or on the day, alternatively pay you via bank transfer.
  4. 2 west ham spare text me 07584484178
  5. Hi, am after 1 ticket for Plymouth. Thanks.
  6. Hi all, Have a flag for sale, made from barmy flags if anyone is interested, 12 by 6 is a cracking flag, its followed England home and away, and unfortunately in Kazaksthan last year, someone decided to put a burn in a corner at the bottom, this of course makes it more sentimental and looks used! Its worth £90, willing to sell for £40. heres a pic, http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs060.snc1/4538_200565465216_697280216_6955289_5878372_n.jpg Email me, Iain_07@hotmail.co.uk Cheers
  7. France away 08 (Paris) Andorra away 08 (Barcelona, Olympic stadium) Germany away 08 (Berlin) Kazaksthan away 09 (Almaty central stadium) Holland away 09 (Amsterdam) Holland away under 21s (Groinigen) Japan 09 (Graz, Austria) Switzerland 09 (Basel) Cardiff (Ninian, few times) Millenium stadium Dundee Dundee United Aberdeen (Inverness game when they had to play there) Inverness Add St Mirren in a few weeks time (doing it after Carlisle away on the Sunday.) Not bad for a 19 year old (H)
  8. I'd have thought you'd make enough off your coaches to pay for your tickets... Stu.
  9. I go to every England home game and normally really enjoy it as all my friends from England games drink together, I prefer a quiet pub off the track with a good few lads enjoying a good drink up, not a pub full of morons singing, football singing is for the ground not a pub.
  10. I would be heavily annoyed if I had been on that coach and you had made £200 profit. You could have put the price down on peoples coach fares or supplied beer for the coach rather keeping the money yourself. Hiring a coach and running it is hardly brain science, not really much effort really, just send out one email, get people to post you the money or bank trasnfer, then one big email to everyone confirming the time of leaving.
  11. After reading this thread, makes me realise how lucky I am I didn't walk up that hill to the green man.
  12. Shouldve bought a MK ticket then....
  13. My friend has access to a load of tickets, he is a tout, send me an email and ill get you in contact with him. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. Email me iain_07@hotmail.co.uk He is doing a roaring trade so be quick. Thanks.
  14. I am going.
  15. I'd rather Saints and Carlisle got 15,000 each, rest of ground shut. Part time mongs wouldnt be in site. If so tickets available for £150 each.
  16. If anyone has a spare seat in a car from Southampton area please get in contact. Willing to pay petrol. Iain_07@hotmail.co.uk
  17. If you wern't all such part time fans, you would have been there. Like me (H)
  18. What a trip! did anyone see the saints fan in the terrace on his own during first half Quality.
  19. Im not bothered what day its on... Im in Ukraine
  20. Lovely! arrive back from Doha after watching England beat Brazil then straight to St marys maaaaaaagic
  21. Anyone taking a mini bus up?
  22. I went today, just in, we played ****. I can confirm, the pies were excellent.
  23. Ill have it mate. Afraid cant Pm SO email me Iain_07@hotmail.co.uk
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