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Third Division South Days

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Everything posted by Third Division South Days

  1. I think the number of readers realising this is growing. The Echo and the sports journalists can be the only losers.
  2. There really is no excuse for this shoddy journalism. They don't get any direct information from the club now and it shows.
  3. The Echo certainly have.
  4. It's not just the salaries. I think an additional £1m+ becomes due to HRMC for tax and national insurance.
  5. That would surely have been AP's final decision
  6. Trouble is we still don't know why we pulled out.
  7. If you read the same as me then the Coventry Echo source is the Southern Echo.
  8. If this is the true reason why the deal fell through then the club has acted very correctly in not disclosing that information.
  9. This story has been around for nearly two weeks so why has it taken this long for that to be the reason to pull the plug is media leakage. AP would be in complete agreement with the decision whether it be on money/medical/players attitude/delays caused by Coventry or player or Saints/or revised thinking by AP. No lets blame NC petulance.
  10. How long will it be before AP walks if every plaver he wants to sign is dependent on the media not finding out about it. Get real.
  11. Gives the Echo a chance to turn out another negative story. Would have to read the full article but there would appear to be little attempt to present the clubs take on events.This transfer story has been out there for nearly two weeks so there have obviously been problems in completing. I suggest delays are not all down to SFC.
  12. This sort of story only widens the gap between club and paper. I've got a feeling that if NC is wound up enough Mr Murray and co will really regret the loss of RL.
  13. Since the Echo/NC fallout it is very noticeable how the Echo is struggling to find any exclusive info to print about Saints. They need to sort the problem out before circulation is affected.
  14. Hopefully not but we must assume what they lift is factual. At best it certainly will not be new news. Echo need to eat some humble pie with NC and they may be able to get back to providing a football news service to the paper and the net.
  15. Remember all the Echo Saints stories now are just straight lifts from other news outlets(this the Radio Solent interview I think). They have no info coming direct from club. At best there secondhand.
  16. it's now gone?
  17. If it's anything like Panorama's attempt to look at football finance a while back I think it's going to be a very bland program.
  18. And don't forget causing the occasional og.
  19. Is it just coincidence that negative whispers against NC seems to have started following fallout with Echo. I noticed that Radio Solent were very precise in announcing the JF transfer at 9am on Saturday even though the deal was completed and interviews recorded the day before. The club has a chargeable text news service which needs to have some priority to be viable. The Echo now being a morning rag realised it would be a day late with most news felt it was unable to sit on stories for a few hours and is now out of the loop.
  20. Kids can be a pain at times as I'm sure I was. The club should be applauded for the pricing policy which encourages youngster in who hopefully become fans for life. The benefits of this policy ensures the future of the club long after ML and NC have moved on.
  21. Cannot argue with any of the above. So frustrating see to crosses coming from nearer the halfway line than byeline. There does not appear to have to have been any attempt to improve that aspect of his game so I'm starting to think he's under instruction to play that way.
  22. Think it was Jimmy Hill and Johnny Haynes was reported to be the first player to earn £100 per week
  23. Should be first choice RB after GM.
  24. I'm sure if Mr Murray had not responded to the ban with such a confratational editorial the spat could have been settled quickly and without this public debate. The powers that be at the Echo should reflect that additional sales of the "Pink" tomorrow are caused by the victory today not the comments or printing decisions of the pompous editor.
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