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Third Division South Days

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Everything posted by Third Division South Days

  1. Now stateing they are awaiting contract from FL.
  2. I did say EARLIER today,bud
  3. Sure I heard Will Cope doing the news this morning. Anyone know what coverage they intend for the Saints this season?
  4. When I heard the item earlier today I,m sure the phrase was could be completed well before the end of the week
  5. If true may account for the actions/non actions of people around the club? MW turns down a job in Egypt. Flight was booked for 1st July. MS working for nothing. KD stalling signing for West Ham. SJ looking for new contract. Other players out of contract not rushing to leave. I know just rubbish conspiracy theories.
  6. Dont shoot the messenger but Play radio claiming there will be a PC monday morning.
  7. It looks like MF has been happy to put up with pinnacles stalling tactics because the Swiss or whoever wern't ready to bid. Fry may have brought things to a head.
  8. If this was true i'm sure pinnacle would be broadcasting it to the media. Even if the football world agree we a deserve a 10 point penalty the FL would face a very critical press.
  9. Has MF made any sort of comment yet? Perhaps he's too busy and concentrating on the Swiss people at the moment? I know - straw clutching.
  10. As Pinnacle are out of it they can now fully reveal all the barriers that the FL put before them which caused the deal to fold. Somehow I dont think thats going to happen.
  11. Perhaps the Pinnacle deal is actually dead and administrator is buying time for other bidders?
  12. Quinn at Sunderland seems to have acheived that.
  13. If they do pull out I trust they will throw an almighty lawsuit at the FL.
  14. If the bid from Pinnacle collapses because the FL are insisting on SFC producing a CVA which cannot be produced then surely Pinnacle could take legal action against the FL to recover the costs they have occured on the basis of the FL unmeetable demands.
  15. Hasn't he set deadlines before which came to nothing?
  16. Surely the club without a points penalty would be easier to market and possibly fetch a higher price?
  17. If this is so you would have thought there would have been some sort of agreement from the FL. I learnt decades ago to get things in writing. It really does look a ****up caused by Fry and the SFC directors.
  18. Could someone explain to me why the 10 point penalty was not appealed immediately. SFC were a trading company with a board of directors. The issue would have been resolved weeks ago and we would not now be in this mess.
  19. SFC was an operating company, not in administration, and with a board of directors.
  20. If the ten points penalty had been appealed immediately the issue would possibly already have been resolved.
  21. The SLH page on London Stock Exchange cannot be found. Statement reads it has been removed, renamed or temporarily unavailable. Is this old news or is something actually happening?
  22. If the Echo are quoting David Luker correctly then the current situation with ST's is that a price structure has been drawn up but this is yet to be put to the new owners. I understood that the 21 day exclusity period was for the legal boys to do their business and Pinnacle could make decisions on football matters. I do not believe there has been no discussion between DL and Pinnacle on a pricing structure and potential uptake. The new management would require these figures for basic budgetry forecasts. Additionally the new board will need to be up and running immediately and I would not have much time for decision making, getting info out to existing ST holders, processsing up to 10000 renewals never mind attracting new holders. If for whatever reason DL is not allowed to state that discussions have taken place thats OK and in itself this situation is no big deal. I just feel however that spin is still alive and kicking at St Marys.
  23. Why would a pharmaceutical company want to purchase a football club. I am not sure shareholders of that company would be impressed.
  24. Seems to me that the Echo are struggling to keep the story going without any new info. For what ever reason all they can as they do not appear to now being fed any info they are stirring the pot
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