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Amesbury Saint

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Everything posted by Amesbury Saint

  1. And of course there is the unsettled bill, disputed bill or interim bill. But in pompeys case never the settled bill!
  2. Barry horne's against Bolton was pretty special celebration. The 4-1 win at the Dell against Liverpool.... We want 5!
  3. Reminds me of when we signed that guy from hearts. Can't remember his name.
  4. They will win today - fact
  5. There should be a poll to see if they last to the end of the season or get replaced by a big name.
  6. Happy that this happened. Don't want them to go under, just remain rubbish!
  7. I am disappointed. I hoped for more signings before the first match of the season.
  8. Rule them out getting a goal?
  9. Once the season has started if a club sacks their manager, they should not be able to appoint one from another club until season end.
  10. Overall it was brilliant. Loved the golds, the silvers, the bronzes for team GB. And all the emotion. God save the Queen!
  11. Time to put the toaster way?
  12. I am sure HMRC will be looking at their total exposure to football clubs. Liquidation of Pompey will help ensure other clubs pay on time!
  13. Funny enough I think we are building a great team for the 2014 season!
  14. Brilliant! Proud to be British. Well done rowers!
  15. Brilliant! Proud to be British. Well done rowers!
  16. International side please
  17. 7th August for me please. Birch makes decision on 6th August evening and decision announced on 7th August 2000000000 makes their way to Southsea common in a rally call against the decision.
  18. Not bad for post 14 on this mega thread!
  19. We need to think globally in our name
  20. Can't believe we have sold 17000'so far
  21. Away ok Home - will continue to wear old ones
  22. I have always found the ticket office friendly and helpful. Some of the rules seem odd but it is not the fault of the person on the front desk.
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