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Everything posted by Joesaint

  1. Wow, how good was that? Thought the ref was really poor though.
  2. I have been really really impressed with him, and his reading of the game. He will be an England player
  3. Cool, cheers for sharing this
  4. Agree, would love it if he could finish off more of his chances though.
  5. Jesus!! "having live in London for a while" "cultural black hole Southampton is" I have lived in many different places, and can honestly say I love living here best. High end food... really!! Going out should not be about showing off the money you can spend, but getting some good grub, and a nice pint
  6. Georges!! if you like Greek. I would say I love the food in the Platform Tavern, real pub food, plus very very good beer. Oh and check the link; http://www.therockstone.co.uk
  7. Just finished... Wow, great book.
  8. Thought we played very very well, really enjoyed the match. Shame we could not score, but that's how it goes sometimes, very wet pitch didn't help.
  9. http://www.bigphilcampion.co.uk/
  10. Joesaint

    Great book

    My brother told me to read a couple of books by Phil Campion, ex SAS and Saints fan. I have to say I have read 1/2 of his first book called 'Born Fearless' and think it is really really good. Anyone that likes to read should give it a go
  11. They did say it was his first touch
  12. I would not take Riise, and play fox or an academy player.
  13. Cheers - Is Chambers RB? Just says he is a midfielder on the saints site.
  14. Does anyone know formation and how the players have set up?
  15. Gotta vote for the skates! http://www.craptownsreturns.co.uk/nominate/
  16. Gotta vote for the skates! http://www.craptownsreturns.co.uk/nominate/
  17. Good, Public sector get it way too good atm, I'm sure the 'Unions' will come out and say they are fighting the cuts for us all... well I support them the cuts.
  18. I do not agree, although you may miss on some targets, I believe you will have more chance of making top singings, without entering a bidding war. I love top transfer gossip, but believe NC does thing the right way.
  19. I would love to watch the Rugby at St Marys, if true I'll be really f**ked off.
  20. Can't believe no one put the Platform Tavern!! Great great beer, I also like the Duke of Wellington, Titanic and the Red Lion. If a bit more fancy... Oxford street? I would not go near above bar! If around London Road, the Alex is all right.
  21. That was not buying votes, that was encouraging people to work, it was also designed to put trust into the business, they can then be made more profitable and successfull, or if running at a loss, take the burden off the taxpayer. Even Labour understand it was required, and will say so now. She changed politics forever, although, like I said, she was brutal. No other polition would of had the guts to stand up to the unions though, who were socialist, and were becoming too powerfull. She is the longest serving PM, as well as only woman PM of the country. I do NOT agree with a minutes silence (as said before) as I don't think it is appropriate.
  22. Unions brough the hardship by going on strike all the time, hardship on all!! Why was she the longest serving PM? Did she personally hide the truth? PS, For what its worth I hate it when a political trys to buy votes with tax payes money, and putting all of us in dept. But thats just me.
  23. Not sure it is needed, she did sort out the country, but was quite brutal. If you have 1 min silence which is ruined, its not that good. Politics should not quite be the popularity contest that it is today, politics is so fake I hate it. (PS, Everyone understands she had a positive impact on the economy, as well as defeating the unions, hence why most political parties are center. Maybe thats the greatest respect. She did make mistakes, but she was great on Europe, thank **** we are not in the Euro!!! I do not want to be part of a Federal Europe, no no no!! ha ha RIP
  24. Great play today, and really should af scored as he did have a couple of nice chances. In fact a few of our players had some pretty big shots not on target! I though Cork was really really good though.
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