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Everything posted by Spades

  1. Not sure, might play on the 31st as a one off, i wont be back as a regular for a while coz of uni and placements.... sorry!
  2. is that the last weekend of august? If it is then i shall try. Il be back for the weekend anyway as iv got footy sat and sunday for my teams. Will try and get work booked of for the sunday eve so i can make an appearance.
  3. Wear your pink Juve shirt ps: hello all
  4. i know there was a thread on this on the old forum but i have forgotten half of the decent names you lot came up with. So... whats your favourite team names for small sided competitions?
  5. Today - Travelling to Hastings for my good friends 21'st. Tonight - Getting very drunk for my good friends 21st Tomorrow - Recovering, Hitting the town in Hastings and keeping a close eye on the footy scores, Probs going out in the evening in Hastings Sunday - Recover, Travel back to chichester and work Prediction 8.5/10
  6. by this he means everyone is really good except himself
  7. i actualy laughed, nice one
  8. So how long until the information website is up and running? Any idea's mods or still a work in progress with a big ? over its head?
  9. Yay Buzzin has visited me... did you enjoy your stay Mr. 'Orn?
  10. no one has visited me. i have no friends on here
  11. MB you are a cheeky monkey making me 'waste' my last post earlier. Worry not though iv paid my monies now!
  12. my post count seems to have been cut to a third of what it was! meh not really important. il let this thread get back to its intended use now.
  13. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, 412 posts? now im pissed i had at least 1,200! and now i only have 1 more post today until i pay the £5 this evening
  14. aww i do love these threads
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