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Everything posted by Spades

  1. Best moment of the game for me. I thought id be a bit coc ky and shout it... in hindsight shouting it before doing it kinda gives it away doesnt it? Next time il get you baj... next time
  2. Im tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired! Good game though, coulda done with a little more space really though, 10v10 on half pitch is quite crowded. Good banter today aswell... we love banter
  3. It seems i shall be making a comeback today! Me and Nugget + 2 i think...
  4. Might even go to following portsmouth... like a reverse fan. Follow them through all their games but support the opponent
  5. Spades

    Games on Sky

    Not sure if we have any... but i kow we have 3 mid-week games comig up, are any of these beign shown on sky? If so that is a brilliant opportunity to getourselves in the shop window for a buyer. The type of game we as fans really need to do something for the camera's.
  6. Accept 100%
  7. sorry just saw the other thread.
  8. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/4263766.Could_council_buy_St_Mary_s_Stadium_/ Take that and some others have refused opportunity to perform at St Marys in the summer due to uncertaintly over whether it will be open. Cumon SCC, put your hands in your pockets
  9. How much does this cost us to run? We would obviously be paying rent to have the unit. I would have thought it would have made quite a lot of sense to close the shop and leave just the megastore remaining? Its never hugely busy in there, surely the income doesnt exceed the outgoings for rent/staffing etc?
  10. I wish i could go to the charlton game tomorrow I have to play my last game of the season for my saturday team though! I shall definately be buying tickets for Palace and Burnley... and buying a kit in the shop... every little counts right?
  11. I would imagine it would become easier. If NU keep hold of the ownership, then surely the 24m debt we hold would be wiped? We would then simply pay the rent for it.
  12. Heres to hoping at least 1 of those parties has the funds to back up their interest and make a solid bid
  13. Id put in £5000 if i had it... unfortunately being a student i dont have £5 to spend on myself. Those of you willing to put those amounts of money in though, huge kudos to you.
  14. Good man, im in
  15. Its gota be one of... AFC Southampton Southampton Saints Southampton St Marys Saint Marys Southampton City
  16. This game could be even more significant now in that it could be our last ever home game
  17. I like that... on the kingsland a big S.O.S held up by the fans.
  18. I bloody hope so. Who's going to take on such a debt though? I'm not so optimistic
  19. Where would an AFC Southampton team play? How would we go about starting the team? Who would play? How would we find players of a good enough standard? Lots of questions
  20. Would have to stick with red and white... possibly halves or quarters though instead of stripes. Id try and tempt Telfer back with Tessem. Maybe get Marsden in with a coaching role. Would look to have Widderington or Holmes as manager... Think Benali would come in with some sort of role aswell. MLT after a couple of years Also, iv heard theres a chap called Rupert looking for a new team to be chairman of...
  21. theyv cut it off...
  22. debt slightly more than £30m :S
  23. Fill the stadium to give us more chance of seeing out the season
  24. There has been expressions of interest already...
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