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Everything posted by Spades

  1. that is actually pretty funny.
  2. I scored 6.... il let you kiss my foot next week
  3. lol, i was closing in on you anticipating a heavy touch as it was coming in to you quite fast. The second you contacted it i was completely wrong footed as it flew over my head. Was good, despite being a massive fluke
  4. really enjoyed it today until the end when people stated to leave, kind of messed up the fluency of the game. Some really good football was played, nice passing good movement and decent finishing... apart from mike who missed 7 sitters, very funny times. Thought you might get 1 at the end when u took a penalty... hit the bar haha! Good times
  5. of course, i cantget hold of the templates for the new designs though so cant use them. I just did this for a bit of fun. Once im able to get hold of the new designs il try and make some more... and for the guy that asked how i do it... colours-of-football.com has all of the kits, i just copy and paste into paint and then swap badges etc over. Obviously plain kits like these are easier to do, when you start dealing with striped kits etc its a bit more complicated to get sponsors on etc.
  6. i love it, il get my anorak out! We are pussying out of the 3pm kick about now... so will be fresh for you mike
  7. still guna b on if this weather continues?
  8. Had a few spare minutes so knocked up a few designs using existing team kits from england and europe. On the most part they look quite good, i dont think its possible to have an ugly yellow and blue trim kit...
  9. I did a 4 year course and handed in my dissertation just before christmas as i was on placement from janurary - april I did my dissertation on the difference in success between novice and expert goalkeepers, when either anticipating or reacting to a penalty kick. I found that experience aids the anticipation in terms of guessing the correct direction... however when reacting no level of experience will aid the decision making in terms of direction to dive. This of course then comes down to the goalkeepers ability to physcially react to the movement of the ball and get their body in the way of the ball in the split seconds it takes to move from spot to net. Was a very interesting piece of work to complete, as knackering and stressful as it was... as a goalkeeper it has helped and changed the way i go about dealing with a penalty situation, in terms of timing my dive and reacting to the stimuli the kicker shows.
  10. i got caught doing 36 on a 30 down hiltingbury road about 2 years ago. Officer with a speed gun on the side of the road pulled me over. He offered me the course straight away instead of the points. I think it costs about £20 more than the normal fine... but in the scheme of things it worth it as you dont get the points on your licence, and the course is actualy quite informative.
  11. Lol thanks for that simon but i dont really think im going to be stealing any equipment from any schools im working in... thanks for the idea anyway. just so you know we are going down at 3 again tomorrow for the usual **** about before all these numpties turn up xx
  12. I like it, il get onto it on monday
  13. christ, that video sucked. Should definately be compulsary viewing for all young new drivers or speeders.
  14. lol, you do make me chuckle Mr. Hamster!
  15. 1 set of bibs isnt a bad shout, so long as they are a 'different' colour. Getting 10 red bibs wouldnt be the best idea lol. Bright yellow or orange, or even green would probably be the best shout... If everyone that comes on sunday brought a couple of quid with them then im sure we could fork up enough cash to get hold of a cheap set and probably have money left over to get a decent football aswell?
  16. I quite like that Blackburn away kit, make it all yellow with the trim being just blue instead of red and blue and think that could look quite good. On the other hand, whilst the sunderland kit looks ok, that badge thing they have going is discusting... please dont follow that saints
  17. as flybe are staying put, i would imagine we will continue with the plan to continue our home kit for next season However our away kit is due to change this summer. Does anyone have any snippet of what colour or design it may be? Some teams display their new kits for the next season on their last games of the season, i thought perhaps we may do this agianst Forest as we are now Umbro and not the 'S' logo. IMO it has to be back to yellow. Iv always liked the idea of a yellow and blue reverse of the home kit, but this has never happened, probably for a reason. But i definately think we need to get past experimenting with new colours and stick to the yellow away kit... if wedecide not to though, i always really liked the black shirt from the play-off season.
  18. http://www.prodirectsoccer.com/prodinfo.asp?PID=PDS-001-023-043&DEPT=1&DEPTTYPE=Bibs&BRAND=0&SS=1 There you go mike... 10 bibs for £25... so for £50 you can get us two sets. Thats nothing out of your pay packet. Order tonight and you could have them by saturday morning... ready for this sunday! Theres a good chap
  19. probs be there... mike when are you going to buy us a set of red and yellow bibs so the teams can be even iv nominated you as the bib buyer... who's with me?
  20. Car key House key Tesco clubcard USB stick old student house key old parents house key old bike chain key a snapped link thing whistle jaegermeister strap i need to get rid of most of that if im honest
  21. me and my chums are going down at 3 for a bit of headers and volleys. i should imagine we'l still be there at 5 so if theres enough extra's turn up we will more than likely get involved
  22. is this going to be a yearly thing? because if it happens next year then im in, i just couldnt afford it this year
  23. haha typical, if your guna **** it up, do it in style!
  24. Yeh really enjoyed today, sides were nice and even and it was all played in good spirit. As for your double save mike... damn you! Thought id scored a special goal by flicking it over you... damn your meddling fingertip! Stil... scored 3 or 4 and set up a few as well as hitting the bar twice so cant complain. Mike, didnt you and akeem both miss basically open goals until i came from nowhere to pick it off the line?
  25. me and my chums will be there so theres a + 4/5 onto the list. i say that... the only ones i know for certain are me and nugget! Turn up anyway, if numbers are short we can go to the pub instead
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