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Everything posted by Spades

  1. think this is my fav... What a great website
  2. Was a good game, the heat didnt really help as people kept stopping for drinks and what not. Generally not a bad game though. As for mike... after last weeks shenanigans i expected more of the same, but 1 minute in and he unleashed a rocket into the top corner! Unbelievable. By the way lee.. how long do i get bragging rights for flicking the ball over your head before tapping into an empty net?
  3. I want to claim an attacking midfield role now please Thank you
  4. Sailors? my god that place is unbelievably expensive!! Went there for a foam party a few years back when went to newquay on hols, think it was £12 entry and then about £4 a pint. Good laugh though
  5. what actual colour are they? Did you just stick to green in the end? Im a likely for sunday now, dont think i can afford the airsoft
  6. Yes - 81 No - 81 1 more each and itl be level
  7. boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  8. actually? if this is true then im even more excited! shot gun definately being pink EVERY week! (mike you gota get in touch with that feminine side)
  9. omfg im so excited. Lmao!!!!!!!!111
  10. Who's your +1 nugget? how exciting. is it a mystrious new lover? Im not sure if im guna be there or not. Have been invited to a day of airsofting which i may do if i have some pennies, wil let you know If i cant make it il be devostated to miss the unveiling of the bibs
  11. Spades


    Who's done it? Whats it like? Is it better than paintballing? I might be going this sunday
  12. i find this very sexist i want to play in just my pants
  13. Id offer to give my address mike but im probs guna be in school's during the days so ont be able to get them myself. Request delivery to fleming park astro at 5:55pm promt on sunday
  14. just get everyone to bring a couple quids with them next week and all chip in. job done.
  15. saying what?
  16. i think there must be something going on. If there wasnt then yes they would be running the lunchtime stories so the people that have been at work all day can get updated on the situation. Those people that havnt been on the net all day or havnt seen a tv or radio wont know what fry said, and so would normally expect this info to be relayed again. Im looking at it as positively as possible
  17. source?
  18. what the hell is that?
  19. btw... we beat Palace 1-0
  20. i THINK the fixtures are due out on June 14th... i dont know why i have this date in my head specifically though. Im pretty sure its usualy early-mid june that they are out
  21. Are you actualy the biggest pessemist in the world? Thats amazing. Please can i have your autograph? Iv never met a 'worlds best' before
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