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Julian H. Cope

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Everything posted by Julian H. Cope

  1. I didn't know Turkish was a baggies fan.
  2. I've still got the hat. I always wonder where the wife ran off to whenever I wear it.
  3. Real Madrid beat this lot 65-0. Their goalkeeper is registered blind.
  4. Radiohead - OK Computer
  5. I think he should tone it down to about 75 persaint.
  6. Thorbjorn Oleson £10 e/w.
  7. I'm sure Mr Murray would be rather embarrassed at the offer of a knighthood. I know I would.
  8. A bit like England caps.
  9. I like the fact he's a f*cking great tennis player.
  10. Tonto's Expanding Head Band - Zero Time
  11. Mladenovic on Centre Court. Nice.
  12. Jagwar Ma - Howlin'
  13. I went to America last year. I wore a red rose and stood by the clock in Grand Central Station but he never showed. I was heartbroken.
  14. Black Sambas for sale. Is Sid James still alive?
  15. Although I was not enamoured with his off the field commitments I thought he was a model professional on it.
  16. I wonder if this sort of thing happens in Camden?
  17. I thought ART was the weirdest poster here. You have surpassed that by a long way. Well done sir, well done.
  18. You must have been so pleased with yourself. You cretin.
  19. Make it so. Although you already have.
  20. Deppo is a good egg. Still alive and kicking it mofo's.
  21. Well to be fair I hated Star Trek apart from Next Gen and the JJ Abrams two. Without all the preconceptions I thoroughly enjoyed Into Darkness in IMAX 3D. I am not an employee of Odeon Cinemas Uk or any other IMAX 3D supporting cinema in the UK. Although I was paid a fee to mention IMAX 3D by the IMAX 3D supporters club.
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