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Julian H. Cope

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Everything posted by Julian H. Cope

  1. Thought Miller and Moussi were very good for Forest today. Thanks for taking them off Schteve.
  2. Get back behind your keyboard, friendless tosspot.
  3. Deano6 Buctootim Brian_Boitano
  4. This does not surprise me, I bet you were laid on the sofa with your hands down your pants at the time. I don't think they serve brown sauce sandwiches either, so you may have dodged a bullet there nips.
  5. I couldn't give a monkeys how he played today, f*ck him and Arsenal.
  6. Oh, if you need help with any removals PM Junction 9, it's his line of business & I'm sure he'd give a fellow Saints fan a bit of discount.
  7. Move to Portsmouth, it's much nicer.
  8. I think I should lay off the glue.
  9. Serious - John McEnroe. It's ace.
  10. Don't buy it on finance, save for it. By the time you've saved enough iPad3 will have been released. Apple w*nkers.
  11. I know a certain ex goalkeeping coach who used to refer to him as 'Tommy no fingers'.
  12. The Black Ghosts - When Animals Stare Little Dragon - Ritual Union
  13. 1. My Dad's bed 2. My Brother's bed 3. Your Sister's bed
  14. This place is less special without him.
  15. Depends how good the article/book I'm reading. If I take the iPad I can be in there for at least 30mins, I like the solace it gives me.
  16. I'm waiting for NA to fail, so I can come on here & say I told you so.
  17. Europe
  18. Me too! The most memorable being Roachford at Portsmouth Guildhall. I think it may have been 1988 or 1989.
  19. I did not have my bins emptied for nearly 5 weeks, they were full to the brim. Now two weeks later they are both less than half full. How much money can be saved with fortnightly collections? Seems like a no brainer to me.
  20. It would be amazing if it had the 1st Ted Bates statue written all over it. Fingers crossed.
  21. Binman. Enjoying yet another day off.
  22. F*ck me, what a charlie.
  23. This. We should only play the big four tournaments throughout the year. Every sanctioned boxing match should also have a world title on the line. We should disband the Football League while we are at it, no one is interested in that.
  24. 8 at Woodmill.
  25. Yep, I'm all about the irony. Look forward to seeing you on the main stage in 2013.
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