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Block 5

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Everything posted by Block 5

  1. Time for the chumps at SR to pull the trigger. Let's hope that they've used the time since the Bournemouth fiasco to line up the next guy....
  2. Ok, I've sorted it. I have to assign to myself. The reason I couldn't.... I was trying to buy 3 extra when I I'm only permitted buy two! Thanks for your help @Jaime @JRM @trousers
  3. @Jaime But that doesn't make sense. Why would a season ticket holder want to buy an additional ticket for a season ticket holder (who already has a ticket), or a member (who's already had the opportunity to buy a ticket in a previous window)? @JRMI tried assigning the additional tickets to myself but that didn't work. The system prompted me to assign to someone else.
  4. Hopefully someone can help.... I've been trying to get a couple of extra tickets using the season ticket holder additional feature. When I get to the point where you assign a supporter number to the additional seat, all the people in my friends and family list are greyed out and cannot be selected. There's also an asterisk after their name. My own name is not greyed out. Am I doing something wrong? Why can't I buy additional tickets? Thanks for in advance.
  5. Russell Martin, he's got Down's He's got Down's, he's got Down's. Russell Martin, he's got Down's So has Rasmus! {Note - the above post is quite clearly ironic, and does not constitute a hate crime.}
  6. Mine arrived today.
  7. Utter bollox. That game should have been over at half time. The second half should have seen Cardiff player's wandering around in fit flops. Spunked chances cost us the game.
  8. Quite a few posters seem to be glad Wilcox is off. Who would they like to see come in as his replacement?
  9. I'm looking forward to the red & white wall; it'll be totally awesome..... with smoke, flares, and world class tifos.
  10. Does anyone know how the guy who fell at the foot of the block 5 stairs is doing? I stayed with him until the paramedics arrived. I think his name might have been Darryl? I just wanted to wish him a speedy recovery.
  11. One centre back on the bench. No full backs. This is a bit of a worry.....
  12. The Ironsides - The Web. From their 2023 long player, Changing Light. A great album, featuring eight instrumental cuts of lush strings and fat soul beats. Very reminiscent of Stefano Torossi & Armando Roelens or Ennio Morricone, or even David Axelrod.
  13. My old man's a scummer, He's filled with bile and hate, He'll kick your fucking head in, If you're a dirty skate.
  14. My old man's a scummer, He wears a scummer's hat, He fucking hates John Westw**d, Cos he's a paedo twat. To the tune of my old man's a dustman.
  15. Sorry to hear that mate. He'll be watching today's game with Bobby Stokes; best seats in the house.
  16. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!
  17. 6pm kick off on a Friday is utter bollocks. This is a normal working day for me, with a 5pm finish. That would give me an hour to drive from Andover to my car parking spot, and then walk to the ground. Thanks Sky, you twats. I shall have to spend Wednesday and Thursday coercing and convincing work colleagues into helping facilitate an early finish.
  18. I got to know him a bit, away from the forum, and he was a really nice guy. And definitely one of the more interesting posters from the golden age of SWF.
  19. Wilcox and Rasmus are in the director's box today.
  20. Managed to get hold of all six volumes of the Meat Beat Manifesto side project Tino's Breaks in FLAC format. If you enjoy looped breaks, fat bass lines and sampled nonsense then this is right up your street.
  21. Rasmus & Henrik in the director's box.
  22. I actually believe that this group of players would win more games with no manager than with RM as manager.
  23. I think that for the first 4 games we were just freewheeling, with the players just winging it, as RM hadn't had sufficient time to impose any kind of philosophy or identity on the team. Over the last 4 games we have seen what RM teams are all about. I'm not happy with knee jerk manager out reactionary comments, but I'm not seeing anything to redeem RM here. There are no signs of promising things to come. There are no green shoots. We've just lost to the worst team in the league and the scoreline flatters us. The danger is that our new group of players will sink in to that losing mentality that we've seen for the last few years, and turning that around can be incredibly difficult. I'm not confident that RM has the psychological skillset to accomplish that. I appreciate that we're a project, a work in progress, and the manager is trying to build something, but I can't help thinking that RM is using his own poo as mortar.
  24. Did Gao even go to a game?
  25. Dragan was at the game today, sat next to Henrik Kraft. Rasmus was sat with Jason Wilcox.
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