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Everything posted by ponto1963

  1. Already a Facebook going at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=67729837464&ref=mf&nctrct=1238737978872 but I've joined yours as well.
  2. Joined and posted to all my contacts.
  3. Shares suspended http://www.londonstockexchange.com/en-gb/pricesnews/prices/system/detailedprices.htm?sym=GB0007922114GBGBXAIMI0792211SOO
  4. I must admit I've given up caring. I hope we stay up, and I hope my boys (twins) will be proud to follow Saints in the future. But I no longer check the results regularly, nor listen to the games on the radio. Too depressing.
  5. 6ft deep please, and don't forget to fill it back up :smt077
  6. Any one know of Wilde's opinion on this?? he is supposed to be Football Chairman !!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Might be a different guy :-k
  8. Signed, though I don't think they'll take much notice of it. What we need is a local Multi Millionaire / Billionaire whos prepared to take a big gamble on the club!! :smt117
  9. I would say getting rid of Sturrock, was the major mistake.
  10. ponto1963

    Stern gone!

    Agreed, It's a crying shame what's happened to this club since Sturrock was kicked out. :confused:
  11. Especially when you look at what Nigel Fearsome is doing at Leicester !!!:smt013
  12. Alan Ball should be on there too!! Legend, player & manager!
  13. Agreed, it amazes me that they don't have more on the CCC it's one of the most popular leagues in Europe, much more entertaining too as any team could win on the day, whereas the prem is very predictable theses days, yes you get a couple of upsets but not many. It also amazes me that good English players in the CCC are overlooked for England yet most other countries will and do use CCC players for their teams.
  14. Why no Kelvin ? Source?
  15. Agree, We have to remember JP is a HEAD COACH not a Manager.
  16. Looking forward with trepidation. I think we will either be ether really good and overflowing with confidence, or smashed by a very brutal CCC. The first half dozen games will make all the difference.
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