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Everything posted by wimbornesaint

  1. I'm totally against this! Having had a membership for my daughter and myself for the last 4 years. We only go to say 6 or 7 matches a season so an ST is out of the question. :mad:
  2. Probably from Land of Leather
  3. I was an 18 year old in the Army at RAF Bruggen in West Germany. The only Saints fan there! I was home on leave for his first game at The Dell.
  4. I remember the old saying "Due to the moratorium, the light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off until further notice :p"
  5. Now that would be awesome! YES
  6. Won't they come across the P*mpey shirt if they dig up the pitch? That would need specific decontamination of the whole site!
  7. So what is David Hudson doing while we are all watching Mark Fry? Is he doing the real deal?
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/championship/southampton/5274338/Southampton-City-Council-should-rescue-its-football-club-in-their-darkest-hour.html
  9. I personally like the Titanic ship, Premiership, Championship one! Warms the ****les.
  10. With 12 year old brains
  11. Nothing to do with the abuse the Northam handed out last week?
  12. The majority of SLH business until recently was SFC, but they sold off the radio station and the insurance business to cut costs, so it could be argued that SLH was a portfolio of other businesses and not just SFC.
  13. I didn't see this, but as I said earlier the chap in front of me was clearly dis-orientated, as we were passing through the police did start advancing so we were caught in a "funnel". It was quite difficult to get through the throngs of on-looking Saints fans and out of harms way. I dread to think if someone in a wheelchair was in this situation. My own daughter is disabled, although not in a chair. I am glad she stayed at home today as she is a J-Saint and comes when she can.
  14. Thought I was a lone voice, I hope there was lots of CCTV taken and perhaps something will be done.
  15. Yeah, it was! A time when fans called themselves "Rainham boot boys" etc, and chanted as such in the ground. Always loads of arrests in the stadium, used to see them frog marched round the touchline! Hope it doesn't return.
  16. I refer you to my earlier post on this thread. I saw no Saints fans laughing from where I happened to find myself. I don't think the old bill saw that either - it was ugly - especially as the Saints fans were taunting from safety behind the railings. The Charlton fans were up for it I agree but to pass off the behaviour of our fans as having a laugh shows a degree of misunderstanding of what happened. I remember the bad old days of the 70's when I used to be a regular at Gillingham before moving south. So I know what I am on about.
  17. I was caught in the middle of the stand-off with old bill looking very threatening with their batons drawn protecting the Charlton fans from a large group Saints fans standing behind the railings. It was not one of the most pleasant situations to find yourself in, I was behind a chap with Downs' who did not know which way to go, luckily the stewards got us out through all the Saints fans that were watching it kick off. We don't need this at the club. :mad:
  18. From the Chapel stand it looked like just as many were heading out of the Northam until the singing stopped them!
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southampton_fc "On 26th March 2009 the club is due to announce a decision to go into administration." Who wrote that?
  20. Ha ha, no lights!
  21. I think we might just scrape it! I have a good feeling about the building spirit in the team/club/supporters.
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