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Everything posted by s0108787

  1. He can tackle and has been immense in the holding role when I've seen him. Morgan is quality. End of.
  2. He can tackle and has been immense in the holding role when I've seen him. Morgan is quality. End of.
  3. lol Chaplow on the radio: "Lee Barn-yard"
  4. Bang on, completely ran the show today. Fantastic.
  5. can't we give them forecast?
  6. People always seem to forget that Operating costs in the Prem are huge! Wages, Fees, Bonuses and Transfers all add up. In reality the reveneue that you talk about will most likely be swallowed by just being in the Prem. Massive debt like that would be a massive burdern and worry if we were to drop back down to the championship.
  7. looks like the oldham commentary thought it was a penalty too.
  8. i don't have much faith in butterfield. I'd like to see Frazer Richardson given a go.
  9. Form is temporary, Class is permanent. Punch will be fine. Lambo will be fine. I agree with the interview JP gave on Saintsplayer - we are ready to give someone a right going over!!!!
  10. let's get some perspective. Huddersfield are one of the strongest teams in this league, we were away from home and you can't win them all. We got revenge on them last season and at this point i hope that history repeats itself and we give them a good seeing to at ours. NA definitely changed tactics and the second half sounded much better, i see no reason to start wrist slitting or expecting the worst.
  11. BAstards
  12. Nope, he is class. Aside from "it's as simple as that" and "listen", i think he gives clear intelligent interviews.
  13. lowe and crouch did not mix it with Genius Billionaires.
  14. AND you don't have to hate your boss for him to be doing a bad job. Your feelings towards your boss are more or less irrelevant. Chances are, if people find him difficult to work with - given that he's a highly sucessful businessman - it's more than likely that they are slackers or not up to the standard required.
  15. You don't have to like your boss for him to be doing a good job.
  16. Bang on, and given we have one of the largest fanbases in league and some of the highest attendances, this should not pose a problem.
  17. Yes absolutely, but i'm a snob...
  18. Have seen him play. Shocking. End of.
  19. No ****ing width, Morgan on the wing? Lambert disinterested - his head is NOT right and he was frequently too wide and too deep. Harding has gone backwards, maybe give Fish a go? Martin looks solid, often more so than fonte today.
  20. no, he doesn't. he almost looks suicidal!
  21. His whole demeanour was wrong in the interview on Saints Player, he was stuttering, mumbling and stumbling over his words and looked really down, almost depressed! It worried me quite alot, i think that something is definitely up with Rickie, maybe Pardew's departure has affected him more than most?
  22. So maybe, scunny wanted £1m for and we offered £500k? Cortese says, you have to resign if you want to come here, we will thrash out compensation at tribuneral if need be. Adkins says, no I'm not selling scunny short.
  23. lets just say that, with the greatest respect to S****horpe, he's buying into the "potential" of our club.
  24. intelligence?
  25. People seem all tied up about a "name" appointment. A name generally counts for the sum total of **** all, a lot of supposedly very good managers are probably only as good as the support staff and players they have at their disposal. Like many have said, the very best managers can come from suprising places.
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