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Everything posted by s0108787

  1. bless dave merrington. He's getting on a bit...
  2. But then you'd have to offset the cost of wages for the new player...
  3. http://www.sportinglife.com/football/cc_league1/news/story_get.cgi?STORY_NAME=soccer_league_1_and_2/09/08/06/manual_130119.html&TEAMHD=nationwide2 Probably not him, but he wants to move south...
  4. My Sister is a teacher and always tells me she's working hard during the 'kids' holidays! Has she been lying to me all this time?
  5. Could we not sign him to keep Davis on his toes? Get rid of bart and tommy...
  6. My swindon supporting mates reckon he is gash!
  7. Antonio Bryan was quality for my mate in the Blue Square South / Premier on FM2008!
  8. Do you think he spotted the fans opinion of Pulis?!
  9. always rated him, still do. Fight and passion - what we've been missing for too long. Also more talented than people give him credit for, would make the right mid spot his own easily.
  10. or break a manager...
  11. i remember they started fighting amongst themselves! Classic!!!
  12. lets get him back on a free then!!!!!!
  13. i hear what you're saying, but lets just take the footballing quality into account and remove the injury prone-ness from the issue. (Mind you, wasn't Pulis injured most of last season?). AD is a decent player, Pulis is anything but.
  14. Pulis, molynuex, bialkowski and lancashire out! End of...
  15. blinding logic that is. It's a good job that i'm not a vocal saints fan, but an intelligent well rounded, quiet individual who can see quite clearly when a player is not up the job.
  16. well put young man!
  17. i have to say i agree with everything else you said.
  18. not sure, but you get the idea.
  19. Are you serious?!!!!:smt043 i'd like to try some of what you've been smoking! The only reason that Molyneux can't be called the worst player on the pitch was becasue Pulis was on it! Molyneux consistently gave the ball away or punted it aimlessly up field. He also goes into every challenge with two feet, studs up. The only thing he did ok was get that Free kick on target, and that was a dubious choice as the keeper would always be expected to save from there.
  20. release bialkowski and then forecast. Poke has decent potential and could be the natural successor to Kelvin.
  21. Murty looked quite solid, a little rusty perhaps but that is to be expected. He started looking very tired towards the end, but i am confident he is well capable of doing a job in this league.
  22. The Andrew Davies Sale must have gone like this: Stoke: We'll give you £1m for him... Saints: we want £1.1m... Stoke: (A.Pulis snr) ok but you have to give my boy 3 year contract 'cause he's special needs and i can't pull the wool over evryones eyes here any more... Saints: Done... Stoke: ...you have been!
  23. After tonight's game, If he plays this season we are doomed. Lancashire looked positively dire and panic stricken at the sight of the ball in front of him. Molyneux is crap, joseph mills is a far more promising prospect. On the plus side Thomas looks commanding and organises the defence around him. Poke looks fairly assured and is nice and vocal telling his defence where they shoud be. Forecast made a couple of good saves but looks generally a little shaky, his famed "dutch" distribution was terrible. Gillet was our best player in the 2nd half and looks a potential class act in League one. James is much better in the middle. lallana is not cutting the mustard, if a decent deal comes in for him we should sell. Rasiak looked genuinely interested tonight and showed a suprising turn of pace at times. His touch and control as well as his movement was head and shoulders above all of the youngsters, they would do well to watch his movement closely. I can only think that his apparent enthusiasm is down to watching scouts? Overall a fairly tepid display with a few positives, certainly we need some new blood and some decent, motivated, experienced pros. Also number 14 for Cheltenham looked a very decent prospect, the sort that we should be keeping a close eye on in the future...
  24. Clearly you're talking rubbish. SG is quality, especially in this league.
  25. i will be there, i'm certain that it will be pay on the turnstiles for away fans too.
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