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Crawley Saint

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About Crawley Saint

  • Birthday 20 May

Crawley Saint's Achievements

  1. I was at school (Shirley Middle for anyone who's interested) and the head went along to every class to make the announcement.
  2. Didn't Sir David Frost try to buy into the club a few years back? (If fuzzy memory serves me right)...So I'll go for him.
  3. There is a hint of hypocrasy that someone on that particular forum should be moaning about the use of mindless violence imo
  4. I'm not so I do (bar Eastenders at the mo and Emerdale which is just sh1te)
  5. While we're on the subject..... how many times has Nick Cotton tried to kill Dot in the past and yet they still keep bringing him back with the same story over and over again. Very lazy story writing if you ask me. I'm refusing to watch it until they buck their ideas up.
  6. What a load of cr@p. Why shouldn't he ever pull on a shirt again, just because he made a mistake when he is young and prob had a few too many bevvies. How many people on here can honestly say they haven't done something juvenile and broken the law when they were young? Also you think the scousers would say the same thing about their god that is Stevie G, if he's found guilty??? Course they wouldn't. I would personally love for Dyer to play for us again esp if he can get the form of early last season back again.
  7. We have a prepay gas meter for our heating and cooking and are currently spending about £6 a day which is working out to be very expensive. Unfortunately its an old victorian house and has really bad insulation which doesn't help. Plus I'm on maternity leave so here all day. All in all not good.
  8. Davina's an Arsenal fan. Verne to win, he's soooooo cute.
  9. I'm seven months pregnant and currently having to get up a couple of times most nights. I think thats a valid excuse tho.
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