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Brussels Saint

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Everything posted by Brussels Saint

  1. Tokes........i've thought of a solution for the pension crisis/aging population problem............mass immigration. What do you reckon, I'm surprised our leaders have not thought of this yet! Middle class daily mail readers, cut back on your favourite cause of all our problems and start knocking the missus up. Less chintz sofa's and more breeding = less requirement for our foreign friends to pay into our collective future.
  2. Agreed, but what is that number? Needs to be more from a long term investment perspective than his short term worth. Guess we would all say no to 3m but most would accept 15m. To replace him with a younger player of relative quality would cost probably around 12-13m, so based on that 8m would be an attractive offer, essentially making the cost of a younger model around 4m. Of course there are risks with any replacement, but thats all part of the game. 8m for RL though is good business.
  3. If West Ham bid say 10m in the summer for RL, I reckon the Don may be tempted. He's 31 and as such will likely start to wane in terms of influence maybe not next year, but possibly soon after. A 9m profit for a player having a limited impact on the future project....... Of course I'm a fan and would never sell him due to what he has achieved for us over the last years and could do over the next couple. But honestly, I know feck all really about running a football club and am quite happy I'm not in charge.
  4. Love a salted caramel crepe
  5. Ah the old zonal marking question again. I've never met a single fan who thinks its a good idea, but a fair few managers like it. Why do some coaches love it and fans hate it? Surely coaches who spend their life in football and understand the game beyond our capacity to do so know better. Genuine question.
  6. Nope! Sorry, but I want us to play like this rather than going down the Stoke or West Ham route. This team is good, great to watch and will get better. Can't see us going down as we will win games. I'm less worried now than a month ago. It's a game of opinions of course but for me something is right with this team and I did not really understand that until I saw them play live for the first time.
  7. Half decent right back, but very average in midfield. I understand why Strachan picked him over Fernandes for the cup final, but it still feels wrong.
  8. I'm going to this one, as my company have a box at Old Trafford and seems churlish to not take a seat from some client who is probably only there for the free booze. United always lose to one semi crap team at home per season, so I'm hoping we have been suitably inspired by our Barca holiday (sorry training camp) or more importantly they underestimate quite how good we are. Ramirez to score a worldy........he's due? 3-1 United. Btw I fully intend to take a Jason Puncheon during the game, as is always derigeur on such occasions. I imagine the toilet seat has a Bobby Charlton style comb over novelty cover.
  9. For me it's a 3rd defensive midfielder of better or similar standard to compete with Morgan and Cork. Beyond those 2, we have no other DM's at the club and its fair to say our improvement started when we had 2 proper defensive midfielders in the starting 11.
  10. Is that of the rusty badge variety?
  11. For the last time.........they're called the Malvinas you Scouse c**t!
  12. Whats clear, is we have some very good players at the club. Boruc, just about shaded MOTM for me over Morgan, who was immense (remember when he was considered our lightweight show pony!) Now one of the top defensive midfielders in the Prem and seems to have cut out the hollywood passing too. Thought Guly was good, industrious and effective. Good to hear a few "One Nigel Adkins", but great also that the crowd were behind the team and welcomed our new manager, thought we showed some class.
  13. Cortese has probably increased the Liebherrs investment 4 fold in 3 years. My guess is that they will think he is doing just fine. As someone mentions, you could always write a letter to the chairman of Mali, as I think the Liebherrs recently put a new man in place to head the board of Markus' old group..............but who was that man? Nicola Cortese of course! The Liebherrs, have a lot of time for NC as did Markus before, so I suspect they are perfectly fine with what he is up to.
  14. Here's the deal................why would they come to the UK............want jobs go to Germany (better economy)..........want healthcare, dole, housing etc. go to France, Belgium, Scandinavia etc (much better conditions on offer than in the UK) We Brits are a bunch of insular bedwetters about this, as though we are the only ones impacted and its all about us. Every European country has been hugely impacted (much of it positive) by immigration from the East. We whip up this end of days vision about hordes of the unwashed camped on our doorstep waiting to get in and hide behind our duvets crapping ourselves how we've lost Britain, whilst quite happily employing great cleaners, workmen and hotel staff. Before the immigration, I had to clean my own home, be overcharged by incompetent plumbers who were doing me a favour in turning up and served by surly hotel staff who hated the fact they had to work. Sure its not all good, but the net result of these countries joining the EU has been largely beneficial for all of Western Europe. Ah but I forgot, we Brits have it much worse than the others.......... Apologies if you disagree, but just my view at a frustration of our British character in the ability to pretend its always all about us!
  15. I'm not one of those who are against modern football and actually quite like the profile and way it operates now. It does produce amazing entertainment, but yes has lost some soul. Also, I know as much as I like to think its not all about winning, it really is. I feel great when we win and rubbish when we dont. All the other stuff that goes on behind the scenes (barring the excitement of a new signing) I couldn't honestly care about, so long as we don't financially put the club at risk. Actually pretty much the same for most football fans before the 24/7 media overload. When I started supporting the Saints in the 80's, I only cared about if we won or lost, I had no access to other information and it simply was not available. I liked NA hugely and thought he was a brilliant manager for us, but if I felt that by moving him on it would help the club, I could live with that. What I don't get about this decision, is how does it possible benefit the club or team.................I simply don't get the business or sporting rationale for it. It's nuts! I also like NC a lot as he has made a huge impact on the success (winning matches) of this club. He has shown a track record of previously making the right decisions in making us successful, so benefit of the doubt, he needs to be right this time more than any others. If it proves he has this one wrong then I hope he chooses to fall on his sword and apply the same standards to himself as he expects from others. Lets see - Many will doubt if he would do this, but my guess is he will. If not, I'll agree with those who say "what a c**t" My guess in a years time if we are challenging higher up the league, are on the verge of delivering a larger stadium, winning big games etc. today will be long forgotton, the stadium will be full and the vast majority will still be enjoying supporting the Saints.
  16. Just bizarre. What is going on, simply dont get it. I've had a lot of time for NC and understood pretty much all of his previous decisions.......but this? Simply don't get it............what else will he get from this new guy that he has not been getting from NA? We are 15th and in good form......I was confident of staying up........and NC is saying thats not enough. How can this new guy do better? I simply don't understand the business thinking behind it. Thanks Nigel for everything however......you were great for this club.
  17. He's good as the more attacking type CM, but not when trying to do the job Morgan & Cork do. For me, he is an excellent PL squad player and a useful alternative to bring off the bench in a Ramirez role when we play 4-2-3-1. I understand he is a different type of player to Ramirez, but can also be effective in that role.
  18. Christ, he must have let himself go a bit since leaving Wolves.
  19. I think for me the real concern is that we don't have many home games left against the obviously weaker teams. I think its likely we will need to gain 3 points against a few of the stronger teams at home. 1 win from Everton or Liverpool, 2 from Stoke, West Ham or WBA and beat QPR. Combined with 1 more win on the road and a few draws should get us over the line.
  20. ......yup, agree again. Strange, I was not aware I normally agree with your posts, maybe I have you confused with someone else ;-)
  21. That was my estimate if we sold the lot on relegation and just played an academy. Combined with parachute payments, its a lot of assets. Even if you think I have overestimated and priced it at 40m, I dont believe we have the debt to put us in danger. Think the OP was asking should we be concerned (I assumed meaning will the club risk bankruptcy). I'm not, due to our level of saleable assets. As Franks Cousin mentions, a lot depends on what your primary concern is. Relegation I can live with, putting the club at risk I have less enthusiasm for. As such I would prefer another 10m on Astori, rather than the experienced PL pro who has no value even if we still go down.
  22. We should be asking questions and have healthy concern, having almost lost the entire club once. However, Cortese & the Liebherr family have earned some trust and whilst we will probably never know the exact financial position, what we do know makes fairly comfortable viewing. This is primarily the assets of the company i.e. Stadium with no debt, world class training ground, future PL income, 1st team squad with massive saleable value (i.e. no journeymen pros you cannot sell on huge wages). Even taking a fairly conservative estimate I think you could value the squad at around 61m maybe making the entire club even when relegated worth 100m. I doubt our debts are anywhere near that number. For me relegation would be serviceable.
  23. It honestly works!......but as someone said, you need to be realistic. I eat about 3000-3500 cal on my non fast days. I'm 179cm, started at 84.9kgs, got down to 77 and now pretty much hover around 78. I think it does impact the amount you are capable of consuming however, as since I've been doing this, I cannot eat as much as I used to on the non 600 days even if I try to.
  24. I actually agree with this. As you mention its simple science and ultimately why I don't classify 5:2 as a diet. It's a lifestyle change and its permanent. People don’t stick to fad diets, as for anyone normal they are impossible to maintain and sooner or later your life intrudes. The initial Horizon Program actually only talks about weight loss at the end of the program as a by-product of the general health benefits of fasting. It seems we are designed to need occasional bouts of hunger and the science seems to show if we do this it reduces our chances of contracting heart disease or cancer (and potentially makes us more intelligent) In terms of weight loss, 5:2 does cut down the amount of calories you consume in a week and needs less willpower than being careful everyday. If you do some exercise too that also helps of course.
  25. I find it does not really matter. I always try to do 2 days together as I prefer it that way, but often do split days too. The good thing is that as its only 2 days a week, so you can fit it in with real life. If you have business dinners, friends birthdays, random nights out etc. you dont need to worry about being on a diet, just plan your 2 days around it. I usually try to do it Monday & Tues as these days are pretty quiet socially plus, if something does come up last minute, I can always push one of the days later in the week.
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