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Brussels Saint

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Everything posted by Brussels Saint

  1. Saints is where I spend countless hours every week worrying, thinking about, avoiding work to read about and hopeing every day brings some good news........a takeover, a player, or in the Football season a win......England barely ever figure. However, despite all that an England World Cup win would mean more........its just a bigger deal in the total scheme of things. No matter how much I care about the Saints its hard to argue that the "weight" of a world cup win, can match my own slightly obsessive fascination with everything that happens at our club.
  2. Now this is a proper thread, reminds me quite a lot of the Oil Rig one. Happy days........anyone still got a picture of the Oil Rig we signed.......should have held on to it IMO
  3. It's great to see actually that the vast majority of people posting on here and those commenting on the Echo's site are recognizing the decency Wotte has displayed these last months. Whatever people think about his managerial abilities, he has demonstrated a loyalty to the club we love that is commendable. I suspect opinions of him amoungst the fanbase have risen considerably at least as a man if not a manager. Why not let him have a season...........he deserves it.
  4. I pretty much agree with this view, I dont interprete this news as a negative. Lowe will be pretty sure due to his popularity, the lack of certainty about which division we will play in and the fact most people have been avoiding St. Mary's this season, that he would not get many renewals. If performances improve, alongside the quality of football, so will the gates and thus more chance of people seeing the current team, getting impressed and thus considering a season ticket for next year. The fact the announcement also includes extra tickets for a fiver and kids for a quid promotions etc. tends to back this up. Getting more people through the gates now has a twofold advantage, better support=more chance of staying up & likelyhood thus of more people deciding to get a season ticket next year.
  5. I'm seriously considering enforcing she comes everyweek. Failing that I might make her at least listen on the radio. She did say though she is going to write an email to Saga to thank him for doing such a good job.....bless her!
  6. Was my Polish girlfriends birthday on Sat and to prove what a quality guy I am, I decided to buy her a ticket to watch Saints V PNE! Came over from Brussels only for the 2nd time this season and was already depressed at the thought of having to watch the Saints. I explained to the GF not to expect any entertainment and promised to make it up with a night out in London on the way back. My GF, said I should have faith in the Saints (she's never seen them before) and as she's Polish and its her BD, Saga will score for her...........poor delusional girl, knows nothing about football...........
  7. As I live in Brussels I only get to see a few games each year........the last 2 games, I saw us draw 0-0 with Coventry and lose 0-1 to Preston......when you consider it costs me close to €500 to watch a game with all the travel involved, I reckon I deserve to watch this game........plus I booked Preston later in the year too at the same time. Fair enough, I'm bringing 2 plastics with me to Man U, but its all in hospitality, so it has to be worth something to the club financially. Besides, Saints need the plastics.......if we play well and see a great game, a lot of those part time fans may start coming back...........
  8. Brussels Saint


    For me its a cultural thing, I hate it when I see British players diving etc. as culturally this has never been considered "decent" behaviour, however when foreign players do it, I understand it. Many foreign cultures in a sporting context, celebrate the skill in decieving an opponent and consider it to be an acceptable art, even encouraged. Its unfair to expect foreign players to alter behaviours ingrained into the way they learnt the game...........You could argue that as they are being paid in the UK, they should conform to their host country, but in which case then, should they not just hump the ball forward aimlessly with a lot of grit and passion too........?
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