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About GeckoSaint

  • Birthday 10/10/1979

GeckoSaint's Achievements

  1. I'd much prefer this GoodFella to be driving the bus: Than this bloke:
  2. Top job Mike, looks awesome!!! You must be stoked
  3. I don't recall saying it was Umbro Not sure what figures have been ordered but I'm aware you can get large runs of sublimated & embroidered shirts from China with a turnaround time of 3 weeks. Guess it depends on what deal Saints have with Umbro & high up the production pecking order we are?
  4. Options, options options!
  5. I know this is not a competition but am determined to get this right
  6. Here's my contribution
  7. The Liebherr Arena?
  8. Agreed. Also I wish the phrase 'big club' was erased from football vocabulary, cos no team has ever won a trophy due to their attendances or season tickets sales.
  9. I like Adam's confidence: “It is an honour, there are five lads on there and we have not even clinched promotion yet.
  10. The designs will have to been finalised 1 maybe 2 months before launch so all marketing & publicity that comes with it can be done in time. Was part of a team that pitched for the Spurs kit launch, they & Puma had finalised the kit in Jan for a May launch. FYI the nose breaker was pre me. A manufacturer fault by Strikeforce (i think) the company that made Saints Apprarel & Lonsdale footie shirts.
  11. The design process is fairly simple; got the brief, told what away colours to use (obviously home is red & white), set my templates up & off i went. Came up with half a dozen initial templates, then those are narrowed down, being constantly tweaked until all departments (retail, the manufacturer, the manager, senior players & the sponsors) are happy with the final designs. I believe Leighton is still the main man to sign things off cos he needs to have a decent product he can sell. If I remember correctly the whole process took a couple of months, from start to finish.
  12. The9 i really like this: Am a big fan of the white sleeves as it differentiates us for Stoke, Sunderland etc. I also like elements of the Gamba shirt but I think sashes & stripes are too much, so i've created this: Perhaps again it may be a tad OTT but it's just a bit of fun for a very frustrated designer
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