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  1. A statement of real intent would be if we could sign ilkay gundongan from Dortmund! Real quality player be perfect to play alongside spiderman! We can dream, don't think it will happen mind.
  2. just some trash i saw somewhere on the internet saying we are interested in mateo masacchio. looks decent and young possibly a good signing. might try to sign him on fifa see if he's any good ;p
  3. I far from agree with Brady. If you look at our attendances in league one great support 40,000 plus at wembly for the jpt I agree with her with regards to the boo boys however results and the way we have played over 8-9 games is far from satisfactory. I also think our originality with songs could be far better! When we go to west ham I think it would be good to have some banter with her! Like singing our support is ****ing ****, which it isn't but just for a laugh then to the tune of top the league your having a laugh f**k off Brady your having a laugh! Then some banter which I'm far from sexist as I'd like to see more women involved in football and watching it as I'd rather watch it than soaps lol but maybe a chant of do you know the offside rule! To the tune off your support is f*****g s**t. Just a thought!
  4. Not sure if this ones been mentioned yet, but there's bound to be a full house so how about we filled your ground for you?
  5. ashgjg@hotmail.co.uk tickets all yours if you still want it?
  6. hi my email is ashgjg@hotmail.co.uk i have had other intrest in the ticket from my brother but i will know more by half 6ish if you dont mind hanging on?
  7. i have a spare ticket young adult in family enclosure message me if interested club wont refund me and told me to find someone who would like it i havent brought ticket to make a profit and club wont take ticket back so pm me or something
  8. jim magilton i rekon
  9. cause i work on saturdays but hopefully goin 2 go 2 forest away
  10. i would just like to say i attended all the pre-season games and have been to one home game this season the football is good so i have seen through highlights but its just not possible as i work on saturdays and i dnt make my money last. i also had a season ticket for the last two seasons but as already explained i work now. i am fed up of being grouped with the stay away fans, especially as people are up in arms about the attendance for the utd match i would love a ticket but due to season ticket holders being given the ability to buy unlimited tickets will probably have to watch it on tv which i think is hardly unfair as some fans generally have a good reason why they aren't turning up at matches. i do understand other fans fustration to people turning up to the important or so called big matches but some fans have genuine reasons. rant over
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