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Crazy Diamond

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Everything posted by Crazy Diamond

  1. Yep. Peach is a good'un. But I still don't think you can say Crook (unfortunate surname and all) doesn't have contacts.
  2. But they should brush their teeth before seeing said doctor, obviously. Bit unwise to say he doesn't have football contacts. Looks to me as if he does. Unfortunately, I can't think of a publication or news network that doesn't do click bait. This last week I've noticed it's been particularly bad.
  3. You can't class many of them as journalists anymore, but I can actually say that he's better than most. I sound like I'm defending him but I'm really not. If you can do CTRL + C followed by CTRL + V then you've got guaranteed entry to somewhere like the Metro or Daily Mail Online. I have seen press releases copied straight into publications, they haven't even taken the 'notes to editors' section out, or my contact details!
  4. I realise they don't teach this in spreadsheet school so don't worry about not understanding. Let's say an issue crops up a few months from now and the club have a PR problem. They've given a journalist an excuse to capitalise on their bad relationship and write something potentially damaging - unrelated to this particular matter. I don't think there was any particular need to show him up on Twitter. If it's wrong like you think he is then he'll be found out anyway won't he? Personally, I would have just sent him a quick message, out of the public eye, to say no, it's not true. I've said this plenty of times, there is a lot more truth to football 'rumours' than people believe. The automatic response these days is 'lazy journalists lol omfg' unfortunately. Indeed, it is amusing because it's him and the whole 'meltdown' thing.
  5. I work in comms too, hence how I know. If you make a journalist look like a fool, it could come back to haunt you.
  6. As funny as it is, that's a bit of a daft move by Mr. Sibley. The club needs the press as much as the press needs the club. Anyone who works in communications will tell you that.
  7. 9/10, would have been then full 10 if you had included a foam finger. I would have also taken 'you dirty Dutch/Rotterdam b*stards, we're coming for you'
  8. Yes we could ask him about coffee shops in West Quay, his specialist subject.
  9. They were offering the same price to my office - for corporate seats.
  10. No, it's where those of us who can use CTRL + C and then CTRL + V go to earn £100 a shift. I did it for one day and then vowed never to go back.
  11. Not sad to see him go for two reasons - we've been linked with some exciting names to replace him and he showed his true colours last season when we refused to sell him. He put it behind him and played well last season, but given he was contracted to us I don't really see why I should applaud him for that. Either way, onwards and upwards. Last summer proved that it's a team game and not about individuals. We will replace/upgrade and carry on.
  12. I think you'll find a lot of it is based in fact actually. How many on here said last year's 'exodus' stuff was made up, and how many of those players actually left? Near enough all of them.
  13. I've never really bought into the argument of signing players that are perceived to not be as good as what we have/can get on the basis that they can be 'squad' players. Surely we need to bring in better than what we have, not worse? If it's about filling squads and making up numbers then we need to promote from within, out of the U21s.
  14. £12.5m. Bit of an insult, frankly. Watch him get picked for England's starting XI now.
  15. Don't forget we need a big old squad for the Europa League...
  16. Played in a World Cup final, and even I as the eternal cynic believe you have to be at least half-good to do that!
  17. Ha. I remember that. Good times.
  18. Yeah but will they have an Arjen Robben like Lee Holmes? I don't think so.
  19. We'll play each time twice... You heard it here first.
  20. You're either too hard to please or just stupid.
  21. Let's review. - Took over a team that had a poor start to the season, turned them into promotion-winners in an incredibly competitive division. Has Huddersfield's run been forgotten? The win at Brighton, where no opposing team had won all season? - Adding a few players, not many it has to be said, he then got us out of the Championship, said to be THE most competitive division there is. Led the division for much of the season. - To be clear, two promotions in less than two full seasons. - Played an attractive, attacking brand of football that got results. They don't always go hand-in-hand. - Got the best out of players like Lambert and Lallana, which is not a given, despite their obvious quality I feel stupid for even engaging in this discussion.
  22. Is there actually a debate here about how good Adkins was for us? How utterly ridiculous.
  23. Indeed. Reckon he would have regretted going there in the summer if it meant missing out on either Arsenal or United a year later. I have to say well done to Ron and Les Reed, it must have been a hard task getting him to stay here for the season just gone. Suspect he will be gone within the next few weeks.
  24. This has been going on for years though. Peter Marinello, once of the blue few, lost his virginity on a tour of Nigeria with Hibs when his team mates paid for a prostitute to **** him. Whilst in the middle of it they were chucking money at her. It's in his autobiography, before you ask how I know...!
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