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Everything posted by gonzo

  1. None here. To be honest, I've tried to understand the rationale behind it and I can't. All I know is there's more to it than anybody here is ever likely to know.
  2. If that's the case, why sack the other coaching staff? Surely it's wrongful dismissal if you get sacked for somebody else's misconduct!
  3. Rumours I've heard (probably no truth in them at all) is that amongst the names on the shortlist are Lee Clark and Terry Venables. But then, I suppose pretty much every out of work manager (and some currently in a job) are going to get linked to us at the moment. Never a dull moment with Saints, is there??!
  4. I reckon you're thinking of Ulrich Van Gobbel - he was a monster. How about Peter Whiston and Andrei Kanchelskis?
  5. David Gower is apparently a Saints fan, and he's pretty famous.
  6. RIP Markus. You rescued our club when it seemed to be headed to oblivion. You gave us Saints fans reasons to cheer again, reasons to believe again. Seeing how you were at Wembley showed you loved the club as much as we do. Thanks for what you have done for Southampton Football Club. I just hope that the team can give you a fitting tribute by becoming as successful as you thought it could be. Forever a Saint.
  7. Killer was a ginger and he was fantastic before he was crocked.
  8. gonzo


    Remember Andy Murray said he was supporting ABE then changed his tune when he realised he'd lost his English support as a result. Tw*t.
  9. Paul Robinson had a good season. Why wasn't he considered for a spot?
  10. gonzo

    ugly X1

    I reckon Peter Reid would be in with a shout.
  11. Just giving this thread a quick bump as we have two more vacancies - I've inactivated two managers from the league for not signing on in ages. So, if you want to join you can apply again. Hope to see some more of you there!
  12. It is an utterly fantastic game. If you liked GTA4, and you like the wild west setting, then you should love this. But whether it's worth shelling out 1/3 of your monthly wage depends on what else you were planning on spending the money on!
  13. L1 on PS3 = LB on 360 This game is absolutely bloody brilliant. Full of action, the scripted sections I've seen so far are both brilliant in script and acting, and it looks fantastic as well. All in all, a fantastic effort. This could be the first game to hook me more than GTA4.
  14. I don't get why people wouldn't want Surman back. I'll admit, I don't go to games as often as a lot of posters here, but Surman looked excellent in most of the games I watched him in. Also, we're at a lower level now, plus there's no doubting Surman's love for the club. I think he'd be an excellent addition to the squad and would love to see him back.
  15. I hadn't been too bothered about this game until I read the review. Now I want it - it sounds completely bloody brilliant.
  16. Accepted.
  17. Thanks for the application. I've activated the team for you.
  18. http://www.xperteleven.com If you haven't signed up already, the links above. It's a free online footy management game. You can sign up for free, and join leagues to play against other people The link to my league is http://www.xperteleven.com/?lid=103690, we have 4 vacancies currently. Three pretty good ones, and one that is pretty crap in honesty! Come an join me in the Saints League.
  19. K-Fusion is easily the best Sega emulator out there. If you're looking for more emulators and roms, then http://www.planetemu.net is very good. It's in French, but has simply loads and loads of stuff on there.
  20. I don't know of any such mod. You could do it yourself with the editor, but I imagine it would take bloody ages. Also, getting rid of non-English teams could have some weird effects on the game, with European competitions and such like. I've never used the editor, so I don't know if you can remove competitions from the game.
  21. Rickie is on record saying he'd never move to Bristol City, even if they offered him a bloody good contract. Admittedly, the interview was done when he was a Rovers player, but still..... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/b/bristol_rovers/8023501.stm And yes, I've also heard good things about Rickie Lambert as a bloke as well. One of my friends is the owner of a company that paid to advertise at the JPT final. He went to SMS recently to collect his hoarding as a momento and met the likes of Alan Pardew and Rickie Lambert whilst he was there and said that Rickie is a genuinely nice bloke.
  22. I've emailed them as well with my thoughts on their 'reporting'.
  23. I agree.
  24. The question remains though, why consider sacking a manager who:- - You've given millions to spend in the transfer market; - Said transfers have pretty much all been a success - Who has won the club's first silverware in over 30 years - Who clearly has the respect of the players - Who has the support of the vast majority of the fanbase ('Only One Alan Pardew' chants were loud and clear on Saturday, obviously to let Cortese know how we feel). We may not have made the playoffs, but could that realistically have been expected with the lack of preseason, and the shell of a squad we started the season with? It just doesn't compute in my mind that anybody who is thinking straight would even entertain the idea of sacking Pardew given the facts in front of us. As others have said, if Pardew is indeed sacked tomorrow there had better be a bloody good reason for it. But I've spent the last few days racking my brain due to all the rumours, and I can't think of a single, even half-decent reason for sacking him. Let's hope it's all just bull.
  25. Maybe I'm taking a very simplistic view here, but why would Liebherr and Cortese allow Pards to sign another player (Calderon according to numerous reports) if they were about to sack him?
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