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Blanco Saint

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About Blanco Saint

  • Birthday 06/08/1973

Blanco Saint's Achievements

  1. I'When Southampton FC was going to the wall, what did you do for the club daddy?'
  2. 1:p:p:smt041:smt041:smt041:smt041:smt041:smt041:smt041:smt04:smt041
  3. This thread should be a sticky imo. Makes me feel a huge sense of pride about our club. Well worth reminding the spirit of belief. Wish i was there.
  4. Agreed, click on the this link if you want to show your appreciation to Chris Marsden. Much under rated player and we did get the chance to say thanks. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=34015980653&ref=ts
  5. The Back to Basics Arena No friils savers Stadium Oh so empty Space B.Y.O Depot
  6. Have to agree about saggypus. He had the most negative attitude about our squad, did nothing but undermine any belief that was around(which was minimal) most of it squeezed from the dressing room week after week. Would be interesting to hear some different opinions written in books by those involved. How many of us would like to read Wuperts own 'mein Kampf' (spell?) would not be able to buy it, but would love to read what was going on in Captain Ego's brain?
  7. This if true is the worst possible news and would be a disaster imo. We need unity!! Please F$£K off Lowe and leave our club alone. Can some one make this story go away now? it's ruining my sunday, after a ruined saturday week/month/year supporting Saints.
  8. Can we all have a glass or pill of what ever your on? I think we need it.
  9. Please could a helpful Saint point me in the right direction of a radio link? Would be most grateful.
  10. Yes there would be a playoff game which would be held at Wembley. Match would be finished on that day, going to penalties after extra time if required. Saints would be allocated free tickets for members or season ticket holders with the letter 'm' in their name or the numbers '7' and '4' in their home (not mobile) phone numbers. Maximum allocation of free tickets is 5,049. It is unlikely that we will get to this situation, however, if we do, BE LUCKY.
  11. I heard the interview and at best it was embarrassing. Must be available on listen again or Iplayer if your desperate to experience the pain? It aired at around 7.15pm last night (thursday). It left me feeling that we have one of two hopes at avoiding this penalty, one of them is Bob and the other..........
  12. Exactly. i new the writing was on the wall when this happened.
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