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St. Mulv

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  1. Great, thanks.
  2. After a couple of tickets if anyone can’t make it.
  3. I want to join the queue for two tickets in case any become available. The club say they took the full allocation, so strange they sold out in under 48 hours.
  4. I’d like to join the queue for 2 or 3. I can’t believe it sold out before general sale - newly relegated, Friday night, summer holidays, etc. Very impressive.
  5. I'll take them if you still have them and can meet in Liverpool?
  6. If anyone can help, let me know. Thanks.
  7. This may have been mentioned previously in the thread, but the thing I found disappointing last week was the new Spanish coach Ruben Selles wasn’t sat next to Ralph on the bench. It was still Kitzbichler who doesn’t seem to be a good sounding board (or is ignored). I thought a new number 2 with different ideas would improve us but on last week’s showing we don’t have a new assistant manager just different training ground coaches (which was needed but number 2 is too).
  8. Brilliant. Spot on.
  9. Sorry Al I’m sorted now. I’m collecting from West Brom.
  10. If anyone has a spare, let me know. Not sold out, but I live up north and you can only get them from our ticket office this late on.
  11. I do Al if you still have it. Can meet in Hudds tomorrow or Manchester today?
  12. In need of one spare ticket if anyone has one?
  13. In need of one ticket for tomorrow if anyone has one?
  14. Can anyone get any of the video links to work?
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