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About southamptonfclegend

  • Birthday 15 March

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  1. Answered your own question... was a thread needed?
  2. Top 10 and a good cup run would be a good season IMO.
  3. Respect to the refs? must have not have heard the weekly 'we always get sh*t refs' chants then?
  4. Tbh I doubt he gives a sh*te about the championship.. but nice 'save'..
  5. why would he? Maya Yoshida has never played in the championship..
  6. In terms of Saints Kayne Mclaggon remember watching him a few times in our relegation season and thought he looked a decent prospect and would be playing at least steady championship football by now, he was non-league, but apparently is at Bristol Rovers now? not sure how much impact he has made or how much he has played for them though.
  7. Clearly weren't at the Villa (home) game then... gave the ball away a far amount and didn't show a lot else but finish his chance..
  8. Swansea got Michu for £2 million.. 1/6 of the price... must have about triple the goals?
  9. Just wondered people's on thoughts on Ramirez, took his goal well today but apart from that another poor performance, is it just needing time to settle in or is he not good enough? or maybe other reasoning (not suiting our style of play) etc.. Personally I haven't seen him put in many performances which have made me think he is anywhere near the level of £12 million pounds, notably played very well against Villa (at home) but apart from that I am struggling to pick out performances where he's looked the 'real deal'?
  10. Personally thinking £10 million is quite optimistic for Ramirez, if you had a scout come watch most of our games this season I doubt they'd pick him out..
  11. He cost us over £12 million, Gaston, Gaston, He never lasts 90 minutes, Gaston, Gaston, He gets the ball, he f*cks it up, he looks like he couldn't give a flying f*ck Gaston Ramirez what a waste of money
  12. I do enjoying drinking before the game, and the idea of drinking during the game is good, but surely after every goal there will be beer everywhere, also opposing fans chucking bottles at each other would happen regularly after goals/contentious decisions, also some scrotes might throw stuff on the pitch.. it seems an okay idea on paper but doubt it would work.
  13. scores every 1 in about 10 shots at the very best, terribly over rated due to winning the ball in the air a lot due to his height.. must have had at least 10 shots in the two legs against a league 2 side and scored one goal.. that's terrible, how many did he miss against us!?
  14. So you just repeated what I said? nice one, I have seen him play 8 times competitively for us this season and twice against us last season..
  15. I am beginning to think you have never seen him play.. 'very good at getting forward'? he always dallies around with it and never reaches the byline.. as for being suspect at the back (which he clearly isn't) he has been our only consistent defender the only game where he was really outplayed down his side was Arsenal mainly because Puncheon didn't track the running on Gibbs.. so he was constantly 2v1 on that side.. In my opinion he will be a very good Premier League right back and is currently much better than what we have and clearly is only going to get better.
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