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Everything posted by CumbrianSaint

  1. Was at that game, great fans, great atmosphere just a shame about the rubbishy result. It was the first time I had watched the Saints in the flesh for a long time, so was more excited about seeing the team in the flesh rather than any result. Our fans were amazing that day too
  2. I was at this game, having lived in Carlisle at the time, and the one thing I will always remember is how many Saints fans turned up and sung their heart out for a League 1 clash, with one of the furthest away journeys you can make, felt really proud that day
  3. Such a proud day, whod have thought what on earth has happened in this past 3 years, its been a total fairytale, this video puts it in perspective http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pye-1OorcU0
  4. How come you have a drawing of roy keane as your avatar? Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 4
  5. Only time i ever saw that nickname disappear was around 2002 to 2003, thats all we were ever called Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  6. Has to be Rickie Lambert, £1 million and has earned the club £100 million in getting us to the premier league with this goals, you could also make the argument that the million spent on Lambert could have been one of the most important signings any club has made
  7. Thats brilliant mate, made my day
  8. That has to be one of the best 45 minutes a Saints team has ever played to be honest, that was a total footballing lesson. How lucky we are to watch such beautiful football.
  9. So glad you were the one to start this thread, Im sure weve had our best results when you start us off!
  10. So excited about todays game, been waiting for this for a long time, hope I havent cursed us by putting us in my accumulator!
  11. Was going to C+P but went a bit wrong, they were 5 points adrift on 22nd November, the day of Hughes sacking, 7 points today
  12. Love to matey, but I have a half marathon in 3 weeks, cheap plug alert running for Help for Heroes if someone would love to stick a quid in! http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserProfilePage.action?userUrl=DaveWilson
  13. Would kill for a video of this, missed it due to running
  14. What an utter load of ****
  15. Is that Boruc he scores against at about 1:30?
  16. That is one of our best performances in years, to nullify such a great attacking team, and to totally **** on them, its been a good f'n day
  17. Are we going 4-4-2 or more 4-5-1 then? Bricking it today lads, ready for the stream and first beer to hand COYS!
  18. Bit drunk so forgive me WHY DOES EVERY GAME WE PLAY HAVE TO BE SO ****ING DRAMATIC
  19. Haha **** knows how, but ive stumbled into first place
  20. god im so frigging excited, ive even been humming tineh tempah all day, who gives a flying fck if we lose WE ARE BACK WOOOOT
  21. Thank you William Hill for good odds on a sure thing!
  22. oh my god, I had plymouth ht and ft, talk about a close shave!
  23. 92% possesion for plymouth after first 8 minutes of play, glad i stuck some good money on this game
  24. To be fair, the shop I work in has been there since 1996, so it just hasn't just "appeared" on the high street, and Ive worked for my company for 6 years.
  25. So we arent con artists then Dune?
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