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Everything posted by santo_michele

  1. Very sad news indeed, it was always nice to see him in the paddock, genuinely proud of his lad. Not to mention the interviews cut short because he had to "nip out the back for a fag"!
  2. I don't want to be picky, but is it possible to "impersonally" f*ck off?
  3. The new series of "The Apprentice" starts in Italy tomorrow... http://theapprentice.sky.it/ NC probably wants to be Briatore's new assistant...
  4. Judging by the way his business antennae were clearly off (or non-existent), I don't think his acumen is up to the standards of Herr Liebherr... so no great loss
  5. That's Michelle Hunziker - Swiss-born, works for Italian TV as a presenter. Presented the nightly satire show "Striscia la Notizia" on Canale 5 for a while... Not sure if there is any link, but I'll be first in the queue if she turns up at St. Mary's!
  6. I'll be interested to see WTF the "Hottel" is - something between a Hostel and a Hotel?
  7. Give it time...
  8. You going "Over the top"?
  9. 2.45 Hamilton Silvanus - 5/1
  10. Reading are involved?
  11. There is a quite reasonable change we will get out of League one within three years - into League 2...
  12. Maybe Fialka & MLT were having a Golf play-off with the Swiss to see who gets to close the deal?
  13. Repurposing: Taking lyrics with purpous and meaning and removing the aforementioned.
  14. We'll be gone 'til November.
  15. I suppose it could be worse - I thought it said "Romanians"...
  16. ...7
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IJsselmeervogels :smt103
  18. Does Ian Murray drive a white van then?
  19. I don't think anything posted on here would have an effect, I had the likes of South Today and the Echo in mind... (even if sometimes "stories" in the Echo are reproduced verbatim from this forum). However, I hear what you say, but my point stands that no amount of discussion here will change the outcome, so It's a case of hurry up and wait... Think of it like the queue for a Pie at Half Time - you know you'll get there, but it's a lottery as to what will be in your pie. You never know, we could end up with Chicken Tikka...
  20. Fair point, but by speculating we're not any closer to reaching an outcome - it is more likely in fact that misinformed speculation could jeopardise any forthcoming agreement... so we've just got to sit tight with fingers crossed a little bit longer...
  21. Anyone who's stupid enough to cough up 10k bucks for this is better off dead too... As is the a*sehole trying to flog them...
  22. It seems hard to believe that such a story would have developed since the end of the day and the 18.30 bulletin, where they didn't mention this - I would like to think this is speculation. While we're at it, everything up until now has been speculation, on this forum, in the Echo, on South Today - why doesn't everyone just have a little patience (like MLT has asked for) and just wait and see?
  23. That would be the common sense approach... A phenomenon which sadly is rarely seen... especially when government bodies are involved...
  24. People need to be told how to blow their nose, not to smoke in the car when their children are in it, not to trespass a railway track with a live third rail, not to drink and drive, not to talk on a mobile whilst driving, to wash their hands after p**ssing on them.... ...but still some people are dense enough not to take any notice, so once the ball's rolling you might as well go the whole hog...
  25. No it isn't automatic, you're quite correct, but I don't think he was as bad as the above made out, that's all...
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