Totaaly agree The Brook is a fantastic little venue having seen numerous bands there ranging from Stiff Little Fingers,Glen Hughes,UFO,Steve Harley,Magnum,Greenish Day, and other great cover bands like Whole lotta of led and the like!
Absolutely think the team is good enough but would just love us to really get into our stride and destroy teams as we have previously. To do that the people I mentioned will hopefully get back into form much like Lee has in the last couple of games!
Matthew your understanding of the bible is unbelievably wrong! It is full of truth and if you take the time to understand it rather than condone your life will be much better!
So as the players wags raised the money it should really be a photo off them Pardew wouldv'e agreed to that flaming Adkins sends the players instead:)
Good to see the squad looking so easy with each other and the kids in hospital (on OS). Obviously Rahdi is the joker of the pack! Why does Jose have a black coat and everybody else's because he is special...Jose Fonte baby!