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Everything posted by pele

  1. One little poem re - doughnuts and the place goes mad! Where's Alpine I need somebody to cheer me up!!!LOL
  2. 2 games undefeated! An extremely optimistic way to look at it! Anyway lets get back to Lucy's doughnuts!
  3. Football,sex,food which order should they be in?
  4. Juicy,jammy.................and marvellous to behold!
  5. Sten will score and then bed Lucy and then eat 10 doughnuts!
  6. Fantastic picture of Lucy!
  7. Coyr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Told you it would be 5 - 2!
  9. I can see that and it keeps reminding me of doughnuts! Jammy and juicy ones!
  10. Bakovnetski - who is your avatar off???
  11. Talking of doughnuts, I reckon Stern John has had too many!!!
  12. No matter what way you look at it, the crowd numbers are poor!
  13. Got to be jam!!!
  14. Alpine - the difference between optimist and pessimist is null, the optimist sees the doughnut, the pesimist sees the hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Only 161 people viewing ! and I wish somebody would tell me how we are doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. How are we doing?
  17. COME ON YOU REEEEEEEEERDDDDDDDDSSSSSSSSSSS!! that feels better as I am stuck at work. Quite an attack minded side another 5-2 win would be great.
  18. I fairness to him, I thought he played not too bad last night better than his colleague Mr Dyer who lived up to his surname!
  19. Cheers for that Alpine....being Scottish and a Sotonian as well (long story) Burley is just what we didn't need!
  20. pele


    I dislike Lowe and his cronies and cannot understand this posturing from people regarding Pro or Anti this or that. Just except that the team at the moment are playing great football and go along and support them!
  21. Pleased!
  22. Good to see you are being positive!!!!! Lets support the team and see. There seems to be an optimistic vibe around these youngsters rather than the usual shambles of a pre season we have being playing attractive football and scoring a few goals.I don't know this is a gamble but I am hopeful that we have the makings of a Top 8 side........errggh maybe!
  23. I just have no idea how we are going to play this season!!! Will we get stuffed or has JP found the right mixture of good young uns and old uns to take us far. Pre-season results aren't everything but we have been playing well. Sorry to see Saga go although he has never been the same since he was playing for his contract and scoring fantastic hat tricks against Wolves!!!
  24. Tickets got this morning looking forward to a great game!!!!
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