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Everything posted by stu0x

  1. On the contrary, or opposition has scored quite a few times when Hooiveld has had the ball...
  2. The prevailing transfer story for Lovren will be to replace Vidic. I mean they're even from the same place, sort of! It's too easy a story to *not* make up, Sky Sources understand.
  3. Fulham 2 - 1 Liverpool. Hopefully the massive media Liverpool ****fest (and the 'Gerrard should play DM for England' nonsense) will quickly die off.
  4. Mutu is the only one I can think of. Arguably we'd have a stronger case than Chelsea because Osvaldo's transgression actually directly related to the club. But in reality, despite all the court rulings, they're still no closer to recouping the transfer fee, and probably never will. So as you say, it makes far more financial sense to loan him out to save the wages and then sell him on in summer to get as much of the transfer fee back as possible. And who knows? As someone else said, if Puncheon can rehabilitate there's a chance, however small, that Osvaldo could too. If it were at all possible, I'd rather have him here, scoring goals and not being mental, than somewhere else.
  5. What that fails to mention is that they pulled him over about him not wearing his seat belt, and as they started issuing him a ticket he drove off. They then proceeded to chase him for about 25 minutes, with lights and sirens going, before he eventually pulled over again. His explanation that he 'thought they were finished with him' rings a bit hollow. But then why let the facts get in the way of a good story.
  6. You have absolutely no understanding of the criminal justice system
  7. It's all getting very silly. Almost as silly as when we complained about Clattenberg. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  8. It still bemuses me that people still think it works. I had the 'pleasure' of witnessing some cretin in full freeman-on-the-land mode in court just before Christmas. He was still jabbering about inalienable rights and legal personages when the cuffs went on. He got a 'free upgrade' from a couple of minor unpaid fines to a couple of nights in custody.
  9. Not everyone gets a lob on every time an iOS update is released
  10. Firstly, there is no implied right of access in the first place, it doesn't matter what you write in a letter, so there's no point revoking it. This is armchair lawyer guff. Secondly, warrants are issued by the courts, not the police. If they are serious they will probably attend with a warrant in the first place. The important point is, it likely won't have a power of entry attached, because the courts don't like to issue a power of entry warrant until entry has been refused or frustrated. So if you tell them they can't come in, and (again) they were serious enough in the first place, they will just go back to court and get a power of entry attached. And this time they'll probably come back with the old bill. The point is (and ironically enough bringing us back on topic) TV Licensing essentially use the same tactics that the private parking firms do - they issue vaguely legal and vaguely threatening missives in the hope that you'll comply. It's a question of least effort for most reward. It is a perfectly viable tactic when dealing with them to make it as time consuming as possible to chase you, on the likelihood that they will give up. But, the difference with private parking companies is that TV Licensing *do* have a legal basis of claim. So they can, if they want to enough, make good on their words, and go and get a warrant and force entry to your house. Will they? Probably not, unless you've been really naughty. But it's not because of some gabble about revoking an implied right of access. I have sworn out my fair share of warrants in my time...
  11. Utter nonsense
  12. If you want to go down the non compliance route, then ignore it. Don't send them a cheque, don't tell them to do one. The idea is to make it not worth their time and money to chase you. If you respond, they will always then respond back, you are creating a dialogue that you don't want any part of so it's a self defeating strategy. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  13. Since EPPP it's irrelevant anyway. We are Cat A so we have no catchment area any more. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  14. Markus Liebherr Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  15. Buy and loan backs were banned by the PL quite a few years ago.
  16. The inference of your question, and clearly supported by the countless other posts you've made on the subject, is that the answers are 'no' and 'yes', respectively. In light of this, and the fact that you think it's apparently child's play to be the Ceo or chairman of a multi million pound business, it's surprising that you seem to spend so much of your time posting inane drivel on an inconsequential Internet message board. I would have thought your time could be better used running a FTSE100 company? Or are you just waiting for the call?
  17. Have you even read the link you pasted? "The agreement includes Sunseeker branding on the clubs newly-installed luxury dugout seats, which fans got their first look at during Saturdays game against Wigan Athletic." When was the last time we played Wigan at St Marys, Einstein? And what have those Sunseeker logos been doing on the seats for the last year or so if the deal has just been agreed? I'll just ask my mate John Lewis, he might know...
  18. Spent his entire career as a 'next big thing' and never really lived up to it. Similar to Andres D'Alessandro, who was for a long time 'the next Maradona' and yet ended up turning out for the fishy lot down the road. Honestly think he wouldn't add a great deal. The Gaston-haters would have a field day. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  19. Theoretically speaking, the same thing may well have happened at Bournemouth, West Ham and Portsmouth in the past. I wouldn't like to say what might link those clubs.
  20. Well done for ruining another thread alpine. Gold star. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  21. As of today, AJS has become "BeIN Sports". New brand, new URL, seems like basically the same service - but of course the unfortunate side effect is that because the content is coming from a new IP/DNS, the Geoblock is back in place. Will have to wait for UnoTelly to update their service to add beinsports to the whitelist.
  22. Yep sold out, never made it to general sale, shame as it's probably the only fixture this season I could take the old man to. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  23. M'Vila is one of those players who is linked to a club every single transfer window, and invariably fails to move. He had 'signed' for Arsenal last summer. Not good enough. Won't happen. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  24. Nemeses.
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