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Everything posted by stu0x

  1. I would expect that, until the EPPP is finalised and in place, the club won't over commit to changes that might become obsolete when the rules change.
  2. There's a junction missing on the M4 between Slough and Reading, the Maidenhead/Henley junction is "8/9". Same reason, budgets and plans changed and one junction got nixed. Two link spur roads (A308(M) to Maidenhead and A404(M) to High Wycombe/M40) join the M4 at that junction, I assume the original plan was to have them join separately, at 8 and 9 respectively. In my defence, I use it every single day, I don't generally take an unhealthy interest in motorway junctions...
  3. There are plenty of roads in Westminster where you can park for free on a Sunday. I don't get why people are telling you to park 4+ tube stops away, you will easily be able to get somewhere less than 10 mins walk to Whitehall. Almost any of the roads off Victoria St or Millbank will do.
  4. You can park virtually anywhere for free on Sunday, 95% of parking restrictions (eg residents bays) don't apply
  5. The Day Today was utterly brilliant, nothing since has gotten close. "So what's the German for thirty percent?" "Trenter percenter"
  6. I'm afraid that's simply not true, the 'we only use 10% of our brains' myth was disproved years ago by simple scanning. There is no wasted space in the brain, even the simplest tasks activate over half of your brain tissue. Yes, stimulants. They don't make the brain do anything it doesn't already do, they just make it faster or more pronounced, by stimulating the production of a specific hormone. But the idea that taking something will somehow enable you to unlock a previously unused part of your brain is science fiction, with the emphasis on fiction.
  7. The JJB is now the DW. No big deal.
  8. Evans, Cleverley, Song, Ramsey, Gibbs, Wilshere, Djourou, Milner, Johnson, Hart... for players at big teams who have been developed there (as opposed to bought in later), it's pretty common.
  9. If you are so entrenched in your (not entirely correct) viewpoint, why on earth did you post a thread asking for advice?
  10. As usual, there's a lot of armchair lawyering going on here, and most of it is ill informed and incorrect. Here is some proper advice, with a capital A. Firstly, the core issue you asked about. Whether he signs the V5 or not is irrelevant and has no impact on you. Registered Keeper is not the same thing as owner. You sold the car, it is no longer your property. Send the relevant part of the V5 to the DVLA, put in a short covering letter confirming you sold it and on what date if you feel the need. That's it, nothing else to it. From that point you are no longer the registered keeper of the car. He has no hold over you of any kind by not signing it. So you can stop flapping about that. Secondly, the Police would have no interest in any complaint he might make, so don't worry about that. Although *technically* you might have committed a Fraud (see below), if he went to the Police they would simply tell him it's a civil issue. Thirdly, there is very little chance by the sounds of it that he will actually pursue you in the civil courts. But if he did, I wouldn't bet against him getting at least a partial judgement. You see, you made representations in your advert that were untrue. You shouldn't be making assurances that, for example, a car will pass its MOT when you don't actually know. The fact that you apparently honestly didn't know the extent of the problems would be fine if that's what you said, but you didn't say that. You made representations that you *did* know the extent of the problems. If he can prove that he relied on those assurances, then they could become implied terms of the contract. Which would potentially put you in breach. Fourthly, back in the real world, this guy knows where you live. Is it really worth the potential hassle? Man up, offer him a partial refund in settlement, and resolve it. After all, it's cheaper than replacing a window that's had a brick through it or similar.
  11. Doing a spectacularly good impression of you then
  12. Unless you marry her, just think about how badly it will end. That should be enough to put you off.
  13. Either that... or this is exactly what every manager out there does, but because they (unsurprisingly ) don't explain every single tactical decision they make, the 99.9% of football fans who understand next to nothing about the tactical side of the game automatically assume their manager's decisions are made entirely at random.
  14. What, like a draw?
  15. I'm doing it, I have fearsome facial hair growing abilities so will probably be able to get 3 or 4 styles in over the month. Going to start with full handlebars. Wife not impressed.
  16. I think you're getting the wrong end of the stick. The point being made was that several agencies including the TSA can *legitimately* open your baggage in-transit. Not that several people can *illegitimately* do so.
  17. The balti pie was excellent. I found our approach a little disappointing. Palace set out to defend very deep and then counter. Given that it was obvious from the first 5 minutes they were doing this, it was odd that we persevered with what was essentially 4-4-1-1. It left Forte stranded alone surrounded by 3 or 4 Palace players, and his first touch is simply not good enough to play that role. It left us with very little penetration in the final third, especially in the middle. Given it was one of the very rare occasions that we actually played with two actual wingers (not wide midfielders), I'd have liked to have seen De Ridder and Holmes pushed up into a more orthodox 4-3-3 to put some real pressure onto Palace's very defensive setup. As it was we had all the possession up to a certain point, they just dropped deep and crowded out the final ball.
  18. Always use Skyscanner and/or Kayak to find cheap flights, easiest way by far
  19. She was supposed to be going with me! But has just realised she's at a hen do. Still, now that she's cocked it up once it means I won't be asking her again. So every cloud and all that...
  20. Chris I've emailed you
  21. Anyone want them? Can't go now due to ineptitude of wife. Is face value fair?
  22. Oyster is basically a Pay-As-You-Go, and works out cheaper than buying individual tickets. The single travel rate for a journey on Oyster is already discounted, and it charges you the cheapest rate for your journeys over the course of a day (ie it will automatically switch you from singles to a travelcard if it would work out cheaper, based on the journeys you make).
  23. Really? I'd love to hear the details of the driver who got 5 years for driving without due care and attention then. Because it's not actually possible. It's a summary-only offence.
  24. Ask him how he'd feel if Kelvin MacKenzie became Chief Exec at Anfield.
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