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Everything posted by stu0x

  1. Lots of armchair lawyering going on. Heres the definitive answer. 1) there is no 'safe' amount (other than zero). There is no calculator. There is no spreadsheet or table. Everyone is different. 2) there are two relevant offences. The one that 99% of the population refer to as 'drink drive' is not, and heres the important bit, 'drunk drive'. How under the influence you are is irrelevant. It is a scientific measurement of the proportion of alcohol in your breath. I have seen people absolutely stinking drunk blow under, and i have seen 'sober' people blow over. 3) however, even if you blow under, but you are unfit, you still commit the other offence. So basically, if you want to be sure of keeping your licence, dont drink any alcohol before driving.
  2. On a purely ethical and moral basis, no it's not wrong. Serial/spree/etc killings and killers are extremely out of the ordinary, and therefore by definition interesting. However, educationally and journalistically it is wrong, because any book titled 'World's best/worst/whateverest something' is invariably filled with abysmally researched factually incorrect nonsense. Its akin to watching one of those terrible talking head schedule-filling clip shows where they get d-list celebrities to pass 5 second commentary on some utter inanity. In essence, you have just read the efforts of the journalistic equivalent of Kate Thornton. If you want to actually learn more about these people there are plenty of properly researched, primary evidenced case studies and biographies that are infinitely more engaging.
  3. All of which are fairly good points. But isn't it the responsibility of the prisoner's (sorry, 'detainee's'!) legal rep to properly advise them? As you mentioned, cautions are an entirely voluntary process, you have to admit the offence and show remorse (although the last bit is usually an exercise in soap-opera acting). if you don't want one, then you don't accept it and take your chances at court. Its not the job of the Police to advise you on whether to do so, in fact they are expressly prohibited from doing so. Its also not the Police's look-out if the average quality of custody representation has degenerated so far that anything beyond 'no comment' is beyond their expertise. Maybe if the profession hadn't been thoroughly pillaging and abusing the Legal Aid budget for so long the rules wouldn't have changed and it would be worthwhile sending anyone other than a complete vegetable to represent someone in custody. And maybe if the Magistrates Association got their own house in order we could bin non-judicial disposals entirely and trust the courts to actually do their job competently, efficiently and effectively. Unfortunately they seem incapable of doing so, probably has something to do with their utter unwillingness to work more than 4 1/2 hours a day, embrace even 30-year-old technology, or give any consideration to continually disrupting the working lives of the very public they rely on. Back on topic, there seems to be considerable debate over the level of injury in this matter, and a low-level ABH would certainly be ordinarily appropriate for a caution, so i wouldn't be too keen to rely on single-strand information in this matter, particularly when that strand is ****-poor 'journalism'.
  4. stu0x

    Apple Tv

    Whats the video compatibility like for streaming via something like Plex? Restricted to MP4s? Or does it transcode? Id be amazed if it handled MKV wrappers etc natively, and transcoding a 1080p x264 usually ends in tears.
  5. I did Barcelona for my stag do last year, it was good but not amazing, very expensive generally (isn't all of europe nowadays?) and imo a bit of a khazi. Also be honest about why you're going - if you plan to see some flesh, don't go to Barcelona. Went to Bratislava 2 years ago for a mate's do, it was good but full of other stag dos, in particular a very obnoxious group of milwall supporters in the same hotel. The best advice i can give is have an honest appraisal of why you're going and what you want to do. Don't just go abroad as a default. And make sure there is plenty planned to do, so you don't default to just drinking for 12 hours, you can do that anywhere. Ive been on 7 (maybe 8?) stags in the last 3 years, and the best ones were probably in Newquay and, ironically enough, Southampton. Similarly my brother in law rates his best as narrowboats in Norfolk. Venue falls a distant third to activities and the group of people going.
  6. stu0x

    Kris Boyd?

    I really don't understand this mentality at all. Because Boyd 'failed' at another club at the same level, that means he is doomed to failure at every other? If all clubs are equal, and players are equal at all clubs, then what is the point of managers? Or, indeed, the league at all? I thought the whole point of a manager like Adkins is that he gets more out of players than most other managers do? What on earth are we doing with the likes of Chaplow ('failed' at Preston), Cork ('failed' at Coventry, Watford), Harding ('failed' at Ipswich), Richardson ('failed' at Leeds)... Incidentally, Boyd terminated his own contract in Turkey and is suing the club, on the basis that they've never actually paid him. The guy was top scorer every season in the SPL for Rangers. and he managed 6 in 10 for Forest last season. What on earth would we have to lose in taking him on a short-term 6 month contract? Very little. And what would we have to gain? Potentially, promotion.
  7. Stop the Presses... Frank Lampard isnt fat either...
  8. Unless FL rules are different to FIFA ones, then it's 2 matches for a 'normal' red, 3+ is for 'violent conduct' etc. cf the recent case of The Evil Emperor Blatter v England's Brave and Loyal Wayne Rooney.
  9. stu0x

    Apple Tv

    Interesting... What control method have you got with this? Restricted to the remote, or can you kb/mouse it (assuming jb'ed of course)? I'm thinking a browser (for example) would be pretty pointless if you only had the remote to 'type' with Edit: nvm, found the answer myself. No you can't. Can get a remote app that includes a virtual keyboard, which would probably be doable on an ipad, but on an iphone would be griefy. Shame.
  10. Slightly misleading thread title. Still, it cant be helped if the Tories will even sell our final resting places out from under us!
  11. I did. Both myself and everyone i go with live a good distance away from Southampton so the few games i got to per season had to be mutually convenient and planned well in advance. Id estimate that for every match i managed to get to, i missed three or four simply because guaranteeing the availability of tickets early enough was a nightmare
  12. Then he was joking. OC is always banging on about Saints. He does a short segment with Ian Wright every week as Wrighty also does a show on Absolute, and they spend most of their time winding each other up about Arsenal and Saints.
  13. Racially aggravated public order offence. And in these circumstances, most likely a fine and a community order. No. In fact the entire police service of England and Wales, as well as the whole of the CPS, have been working exclusively on the John Terry case. A point perfectly made. In fact, the public interest in this case is arguably considerably higher than if it were a random member of the public. If the job had been dropped, this forum would be full of posts about how it is yet another example of how footballers/celebs in general are above the law and how the old bill are obviously corrupt and let him off.
  14. No it wouldn't. You can sign a deal whenever you want - the player just can't actually transfer to and play for the new club until the window is open. In a case like this, where the player is already at the new club on loan, it makes no physical difference - it just means that his registration will legally transfer from Celtic to Saints on the 1st of Jan.
  15. Probably because it wasn't in any way an ironic statement. More sarcastic. Well, if you're to be believed that is.
  16. Except that simply isn't true. As has been said earlier in the thread, the government has point blank refused to release the results of a review into the actual balance sheets of public sector pensions, after they commissioned the very same review to justify their reforms. What does that tell you about what that review might say? There is very strong evidence to suggest that many of the public sector pension schemes are in surplus, not deficit. The government just relies on the public/private sector divide to stir up ridiculous vitriol in order to hide the facts. One can't exist without the other. Public sector pension schemes are not only sustainable, they are sustainable in the private sector too. But you're so busy getting foamy-mouthed about the perceived unfairness of it all and demanding the public sector shouldn't benefit, you haven't stopped to think that maybe the solution is demand the private sector does too
  17. Of course he did. He just wasn't the son of god, is all.
  18. She's been charged and remanded in custody apparently. Which means she's either a frequent flyer and doesn't turn up at Court, or she poses a real risk to public safety. I would assume the kid on her lap, if it's hers, will have been taken into care as well. A pretty sad story, which happens many times a day in our nation's wonderful capital.
  19. That doesn't really stand up as an argument. The paper has a responsibility to apply the public interest test in any case, be it a positive or negative story. The subject is not the decision maker in either case. The fact that they ran a worthless, but complementary, story previously is no defence or mitigation to running a worthless, and deprecatory story subsequently. In each case the story is valueless. And in each case, the paper is not doing it for the benefit of the subject, or the readership. To draw a football analogy... when a ref makes a poor decision that hinders your team, it's not okay on the basis that he made a poor one that assisted you in a previous match. In each case the ref has failed. He gets no credit for failing the first time which is then written off against failing the second time.
  20. She's no Miesha Tate, in either regard
  21. ...and so what if they hadn't? How would society have been any poorer had it never known that an actor paid for a blowie? I think that's exactly the point, the tabloids have replaced the concept of 'public interest' with 'what the public might find interesting'
  22. A friend of mine is an IT Consultant. Whilst performing an audit of a company's database, he found a customer record called Roger Myring.
  23. That programme was about as realistic as an episode of CSI
  24. Why? The case is over, you can discuss it as much as you want. My personal experience is that the whole trial system is a hideous relic of a bygone era that is all to do with theatre and convention and very little to do with ensuring justice is done.
  25. stu0x

    Free Colour TV

    You bought the wrong one then
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