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Everything posted by stu0x

  1. Unpossible!
  2. You've answered your own question. If the idea of listening to Radio 2 stills feels faintly embarrassing, you're not yet old enough to listen to Radio 2. Besides, of all the times of day to give it a go, breakfast is probably not the best. In any regard, there's a much better alternative. Christian O'Connell on Absolute Radio. And he's a Saint.
  3. What can you say about Peter Shilton? Peter Shilton is Peter Shilton, and he's been Peter Shilton since the year dot.
  4. ...because they think he's wrong?
  5. Isn't it funny how Microsoft/Apple has now become Apple/Samsung... the heroic rebellion is now the evil empire.
  6. Maybe your viewpoint would be more respected if it wasn't so spectacularly myopic? You come across as such an extreme advocate of the product that it seems that if the ghost of Steve Jobs did a big steaming dump and stuck a flag with 'iPhone 6' written in it, you'd lap it up (metaphorically speaking of course. I hope). Your unerring worship at the church of Apple just smacks of fanboyism, and as a result any legitimate positive points you make are just dismissed as such. Try this: can you name 3 things, however trivial or major, that you *dont* like about iPhone 5/iOS 6? And/or can you name 3 things, however trivial or major, that you think Android does better? Don't worry, it doesn't make you a bad person, no one is going to send a copy of this thread to Cupertino. And if you show even a tiny smidgen of perspective, what you say just might get taken more seriously? Incidentally Ive owned/own about a dozen iPods/iPhones/iPads and precisely zero Android devices before you start thinking I'm an Apple-hater.
  7. stu0x

    Jason Puncheon

    Wait until he's dropped for the next few matches...
  8. From my own (admittedly very light) research, the Android equivalent seems to be something called Doubletwist. Not as fully featured as iTunes, but on the plus side doesn't bring your computer to a grinding halt.
  9. stu0x

    Eye Fone 5

  10. These would be the same bookies who had Redknapp as a lock for England manager, when he was never considered for the role. So yes, I guess they must be.
  11. stu0x

    Eye Fone 5

  12. Jonathan Wilson (very well respected journalist and 'tactical genius') said similar on Football Weekly last week... said that Kelvin Davis would make enough mistakes to relegate Saints by himself
  13. stu0x

    Eye Fone 5

    It was all about the 7110! Spring loaded clip, 3 line WAP screen, navi-scroller... the stuff of a madman's dreams
  14. And yet Arsenal fans, who had him four years ago (and lets face it, he won't have improved with age) widely regard him as the worst centre back they've seen in the Wenger era. This being the same era that has featured the likes of Stepanova and Cygan.
  15. stu0x

    Itchen Bridge

    The same way a vending machine, or indeed any other automated cash payment device, does. Measurement and weight.
  16. stu0x

    Drink Driving

    There's no 'minimum sentence'. The recommended tariff is a 12 months ban, but it can change with the circumstances. Unfortunately a lot of areas have now adopted this 'discount' for these driver awareness courses - bit of a joke really, and largely just a revenue generating exercise. But I don't think the discount can be more than 25%, so it will be reduced by, not to - Blackmore's got it wrong. Secondly, Bearsy makes a good point (astonishingly! ). It's drink drive, not drunk drive. Impairment is not really the issue, it is simply a case of whether your alcohol level is over a certain amount. It might be a cliche, but I have seen with my own eyes someone who was absolutely hammered blow under. And I have seen a lot of completely sober people blow over, the morning after being a typical one. There is a separate offence for unfit due to being drunk (or on drugs), but it needs evidence of seriously bad driving to prove, whereas the standard drink drive just needs that magic number. And there is *no* safe amount of alcohol to ensure you don't hit it.
  17. I'd rather they worked on completing a proper 3G rollout first... the number of times that I drop down to Edge, or am apparently connected to 3G but get a transfer rate of
  18. Can I interest you in some magic beans?
  19. Not sure what your beef is, I have no idea who you are, have I somehow wronged you at some point? I figured given he said he actually saw it happen that he had tried to call at the time. My mistake, captain aggressive.
  20. What on earth does that have to do with anything? Ibra played for Sweden against China last night. The Chinese defenders arent as good as Kompany or Vermaelen. So presumably you wouldn't want Zlatan playing up front for us?
  21. Lambert will likely never play for England. Even if he gets 20 this season, and Carroll gets 5, Carroll will get in the team over him. And if not Carroll then Defoe. And if not Defoe then Young or Gerrard shoehorned to the position. There are simply too many 'proven' (ie been knocking about the PL for a while, even if unspectacularly) 'experienced' (ie play/played for a big club, even if without performing) players around for Rickie to get a call up. It's always been that way, and it always will be. The only way it happens is for a meaningless friendly and a host of injuries to come along together, and he might get 45 minutes playing with a side full of also-rans and has-beens. And that will be it. I'd rather he was never selected than he played half a match against Finland with Bobby Zamora or Gabriel Agbonlahor for company.
  22. That'll teach me not to read the op properly...
  23. I actually listened to the segment in question yesterday, it was on last week's World Football Phone In podcast. He said, specifically, that Ramirez has a spectacular left foot and was absolutely deadly in free kick situations. However, he expressed reservations overall because in his view Ramirez was quite 'flaky' and might not be up to the pace and pressure of the Premier League. Although he is quite tall, he is quite willowy and Vickery could see him getting pressured and bullied in the more physical PL (as opposed to Serie A, where generally there is less contact, less pressure and games are played at a slower tempo). He said that his fear was that Ramirez is the sort of player who, if things are going great, will be quite an asset, but that if we get into a run of a few poor results (which realistically is likely to happen at some point - again! - this season) his head is likely to drop. He said that Ramirez has impressed for the 'junior'/Olympic set up, but that he's had a couple of goes in the senior Uruguayan team and it hasn't quite worked out for him. Vickery was by no means doing him down, on the contrary he ended it by saying that he really hoped it worked out as he is technically superb and that the premier league really deserves to have a talent like that in it. But he thought that the particular challenges of the PL could be a real problem for him. For what it's worth, Vickery is very knowledgeable about South American football, and his opinion was based on a great deal more than a couple of matches. And I think you can reconcile his opinion with that of the Bologna fans given the particular misgivings he had. In any regard, I think Ramirez has the potential to go either way for us. I think he has the ability to be a spectacular asset, but also potentially the temperament and gaps in his game to be a bit of a let down. Whichever way it goes, I think it will largely be down to Adkins' motivational ability and tactical acumen to both protect him and get the best from him. The fans will also have a massive part to play - its just so fortunate that we aren't too quick to superficially judge players for being 'lazy' or useless when things aren't quite going right for them...
  24. Without wanting to do down your actions (on the contrary, your efforts are commendable), you want to be calling 999 rather than 101 in such a situation. 101 is for non emergencies, crimes that have already happened and situations that would benefit from police attendance but not necessarily need an immediate response. A vicious attack in the street in progress is definitely a 999 call. It's a weird dichotomy whereby normal decent people tend not to call 999 sometimes when its justified because they don't want to 'cause a fuss' or be accused of overreacting, whilst idiots have no qualms about calling 999 for little to no reason whatsoever. Anyway, it's very poor that Hants don't answer their 101 calls, as that's the whole point, but it doesn't surprise me as I've heard some pretty bad things about the service as a whole. If you fill out the form at http://www.hampshire.police.uk/internet/do-it-online/online-forms/request-call-back.html and just write something along the lines of 'I was a witness to a serious assault' they should get back to you. Although if they were eastern europeans and no ambulance was called, there's a pretty good chance it won't have even been reported.
  25. He doesn't need to be...
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