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Everything posted by moonraker
Its not analysis, its is mainly a case of a little knowledge is dangerous and what ifs based on more what ifs. The same "commentators" are also often brilliant at posting diametrically opposite opinions on the same subject in the space of a few days. On one level it is amusing but on a more serious level leaving their ill informed, uneducated self-important rhetoric to go unchallenged just emboldens them.
The US and it’s allies lost far less soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan combined over a 20 year period than Russia has almost certainly lost in 3 weeks in Ukraine. The west way of waging war, is as I have said before, designed to minimise casualties time is secondary. To try and compare the performance of the 2 as somehow comparable shows a deep lack of understanding of military doctrine and capability.
So do you stand by your statement “Their land forces are extremely formidable”?
Reading through earlier posts the level of awe afforded the Russian military is proving to be somewhat misplaced. This ‘insightful’ piece from one of our resident military experts has certainly not played well.
Hardly incredible finish
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Saints want Salah for Shane Long,
Using the word asset and Trump in the same sentence seems wrong.
NATO or possibly better to say western military doctrine differs markedly from Russia's. This has been the case since WW II, western armed forces doctrine is based on minimising casualties, firstly their own and secondly their opponents especially civilian. This is achieved by a greater reliance on technical and equipment capability factors and accepting that the outcome, minimal casualties whilst neutralising the opponents capability and taking ground, is more important than the time frame. Conversely Russian doctrine does not place minimising casualties very high and relies on overwhelming numbers to achieve objectives quickly. I would therefore conclude that Putin's original plan has failed. That being said Putin will continue to overwhelm with numbers and this may eventually deliver his original goal , or it may not. Either way there will be a significant human cost for Russia.
It was repeatably mentioned during the Midd v Spuds game last night, it on the iPlayer red button.
It seems Bojo and his cronies are yet again chasing public opinion, yesterday it was 100k refugees today 200k, how many tomorrow. Why put a number on it just open up to them, these people are fleeing for their lives.
It may be they are not registered in Russia,
I like the line Royally fuck them, we could not prevent the initial assault, but if we can dethrone Putin via non military means that will be a game changing result in the history of conflict.
I have become slightly more optimistic in the last few hours. If reports are to be believed combined with the failure of Putins initial assault objectives then perhaps, just perhaps, the Russian people and especially those who have supported and feared Putin may rise up. Reading Putins mad ramblings it certainly has echo’s of Hitler in his Berlin bunker in April 1945.
There is a lot of debate about where or what current nation states were 50, 100 years of whatever ago. Theses arguments are meaningless, England did not exist before the 9th century, Germany before 1870, and Italy was not unified until Garibaldi sorted things out (arguably it still isn’t). For me it’s simple, if the UN recognise a Sovereign Nation State as of 27FEB 2022 then that’s what it is.
Brilliant improvisation from Che
Agree friends and family have expressed outrage and believe we must react decisively.
If many reports are to be believed the people on the streets of Moscow are not very happy with their leader.
Its an opening gambit and only one sanction of many.
Whilst it is undeniable that they have huge numbers, especially in men and artillery, and that their traditional approach is lots of cheap, dispensable units, they have significant weaknesses. It is not complacent to note that their military is predominantly conscript, and whilst their elite forces may well be a match for what the west have I am not so sure that their average pongo, matelot or crab have the same level of efficiency and training as the majority of their NATO counterparts. You talk of insane weapons, to give one example. In 2015 Russia heralded the first major new tank design anywhere in the world for over 30 years, the T14. They claimed they would manufacture 2400 by 2020, to date they have only managed a test batch of 100, none are operational, current best estimates are a minimum of 5 years before they are operational and then only in small numbers due to affordability issues.. Their biggest problem is an extended conflict they do not have the finances nor the production capability. Putins Russia is not Stalins, he will not be able to mobilise industry in the way Stalin did. As has been noted they failed in Afghanistan with even larger armed forces at their disposal. I do not doubt that he will cause untold suffering and damage, and may well subdue Ukraine, but the cost will be high, economically and in lives, the key to this may well be the reaction of the Russian people once the cost starts to hit home.
The average American may not know nothing about the Baltic countries but the state department does. It’s an easy sell to the MAGA hordes, fighting the pinko commies, the will be queuing around the corner, all armed with their own weapons 😂
Your having a laugh, the 12 years of Tory rule has enabled corrupt Russian money laundering through London in exchange for donations to the Tory Party. When the Tories return every penny they have received from Russians then I might believe he is serious.
He said he won’t send them to Ukraine, anon NATO member, you cannot extrapolate from this 5hat he won’t if a NATO member is attacked.
Yes, if you believe in honouring agreements , oops we have Bojo in charge and he has no honour at all.
Basing your knowledge of NATO member states military capability on Trumps rankings does not merit serious consideration. NATO does need the USA but do not so easily dismiss the capability of other countries militaries like Trump very arrogant.